Sunday, February 01, 2009


There are places where you should have a sign that says please leave your brain at the door. Just stop thinking and you’ll do fine.

Now that is the way it appears at times. Yep, that is what takes place in my world to often.

Yeah, talk about a case of other than brilliance this definitely qualifies. Only it never gets any better.

But see that is the problem of living in the land of dull. A place where boring is the order of the day and everyone thinks that is a good thing.

Well all, but me. I hate it. I will never see boring as other than boring. No way I will ever see it as joy.

Okay so ice cream is nice. So are barbecues. But in between the bouts of stuffing your face you do have to talk.

So it would be nice if it was about things other than the weather. Or another feast of rambling about world issues.

Without a single person having any clue on real facts. So what you get is this totally ludicrous conversation.

One where nothing even has to make sense. And you are left scratching you head while wondering how anyone can say such things who isn’t drunk.

Which is the really scary part. For it is one thing when you take a vacation from reality. A far different issue when it is your home.

And let me tell you that is never a place I enjoy going. It is too crowded there in my city.
Which I don’t care to be in the throng.

However I am working on making that different. Which is to avoid spending too much time among the insane.

This does get challenging at times. And I have managed to survive. Barely at times for the dementia can be infectious.

And that is sure an option I have managed to avoid for the most part. I have to admit that there have been some close calls.

Those ice cream socials can tempt to some point. But that is where you just remind yourself being a slug is not heaven.
Then it is time for the bar again.


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