Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Oh yeah now this is great. When you are dealing with somebody and they are truly pros at something.

Wish that meant it was something that always ended with good options. Wish I could say it was always a blessing.

In order to be a blessing it has to be a realistic choice. Meaning the person has to be smart and skilled.

However being paid to do something and being good at it are not the same thing. Learned that the hard way.

Nor does it mean being paid to do something means the person actually is going to help with your problem. Nor will their advice be correct.

But they will get paid. Because otherwise they won’t even try. So you hope if you pay them you get some help.

Really doesn’t take much to be an pro. All you need is a business. You might have just opened the door, but no problem.

Speaking for myself I don’t mind the pro system. I just hate the times it is bogus. Yeah those suck.

Course the times this applies to politics is very special to me. I mean no only do you get paid, but you get voted in to be paid.

Now the big problem is not with the ones who aren’t professional. It is with the ones who can’t lie about it.

Those are the ones who cause the most problems. They are just such novices. And they mess it up for the rest of us.

Now the thing is that with local politics it does work better. I don’t have much competition.

And I’ve had plenty of practice. So that makes me happy. Really so glad when I can show them I am able to function.

This is the part that matters the most. Those little cherished moments when you get to influence in a good way.

Well good for me. As for the poor people who don’t know for sure, well they will learn. At least eventually.

What they learn is the part that remains to be decided. In a good way if I’m lucky.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Well these can be a real blessing in the right situation. And a real pain in the wrong situation.

But then you know that is to be expected. I mean the trainees you get in any job are a mixed bag.

I for one prefer to actually hire them myself. I mean that way I have no problems knowing what to expect.

The problem is when you have to accept some clown who somebody else decide had potential. So you give them a try.

you know that is the fun part. Just being able to like find out for sure. Well only if I don’t have to pay for it.

Now I am naturally very happy to open the doors of employment at city hall to a wide variety of individuals. So always willing to give anyone a try.

At least that is the formal or should I say official position. Which sounds so understanding and tolerant.

Very important when you are talking about the people who watch from governmental windows to see if we are behaving. I never am.

Still does pay to create the illusion. So that means hiring the occasional nut case to show we are liberated.

Only real problem is that you sometimes have them be the ones that actually function. That is an amazing issue.

Oh you know that is the part that is hard to explain. Really is so incredible. Just gets tough when the nuts prevail.

I have tried to like not let those flukes get to me. They really are not the norm. Thank goodness for that.

So the way I work on this is to be sure I give them some job that is so complicated nobody can understand it. And even works at times.

Some times though dumb luck prevails. Then you have a real problem. Yep, that is when I have to get very creative.

Which generally translates into lots of regulations. Some are even real. Others I make up for the occasion.

The challenge being to not forget which ones are real.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Well now this is naturally a matter of opinion. Only problem is that the ones who decide the waste are never sane.

Really you can count on them to never act reasonable or the least be logical. Yeah it sucks.

Which results in total lunacy on this subject. I mean the kind that you end up banging your head against the wall.

And who really needs that? I know I don’t. And sure would appreciate if they would get their act together.

Naturally I have to work with too many of these types. They ones who write the governmental rules.

Oh they try to make it all seem okay. But then it isn’t. And you can be sure that will not help.

Course as a Mayor I get it from city hall and then also from the state and feds. Yep I get to really have fun.

Sure is nice when it doesn’t end with frustration. Oh let me tell you if I can pass it on I sure do.

Which is all the way to truly find a reason to be so happy about it. Just being able to get a little relief so helps.

Where it becomes a problem is when you have to deal with people who love this process. The really enjoy it.

Course such people are really sad. And I try to remember they really have no life. So this is all they have.

Still doesn’t mean it applies to me. I do have a life. And prefer to keep it that way. Which would be extra fun.

However life doesn’t work that way. You don’t get those choices. Instead you have to tolerate the nuts.

And you know that I can be guaranteed that the people in this category will always be ones who can cause the most trouble. Do I feel so blessed.

Well I don’t naturally. But sure sounds so much fun to say. Yeah, got to enjoy it that is for sure.
And that is the part I will just try to smile about.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


What a crazy idea this is. Like you can really expect anyone to keep their word. Well nice idea at least.

Only it never works as we want. Well not in reality. Oh I do enjoy when it happens and is real.

Well the only complication is being able to actually make it realistic. Which would be great if it happen.

Now in order to make this realistic means you have to believe the person. And that can be a challenge with some.

What I do naturally is to be sure I get an agreement that has penalties. Oh not to me. But to the other person.

Yep, you can be sure I love this part. Intimidation really is the best part. Because it won’t keep the person from lying.

However it will be enough to makes some crazy. Course you do have to be sure the person believes you.

Now that is important. But then you have to deal with so many people who will sign some form then change their minds.

But the option here that matters is to be sure you made the agreement so they really don’t sign it unless they mean it. Really make it scary.

But it also needs to be for the right motivation. Yeah that will always be a big plus. Well if worked right.

See the big issue is appealing to greed. That always is a big plus. Only you can’t be sure when this works.

Some will just be the type to only agree when this really means you have something they can’t live without. And that is important.

It doesn’t matter what it is. You know that will always be the issue you do it for the right bait.

I think fishing applies here. And it always will be the one part that you will get them hooked if you do it right.

Now this is really the best part. Just know what makes them happy and you can get them to sell it all.

They will be so joyful when you make them think it is good. Then later, well there are others.

Friday, March 27, 2009


The never ending quest for what makes us so darn happy. And try to decide who all it works for.

Now the concept here is that we all need this part of life. I would say we are often consumed by it.

Not that we will admit it. Which is why I am bringing this up. Really feel a need to make it all noteworthy.

See this is what I need to change. There is just a need to spare us the problem of life. Meaning the boring part.

After all they do make this part of the constitution. The aspect of being able to pursue happiness.

Might be that we need this better interpreted. See I think that they did not mean it to apply to everyone.

I think they tossed it in there to create the illusion we could all have fun. Only the problem is fun costs.

So that means we all need to be like extra careful in terms of how we spent our money on such choices. We really need a shopping list.

And I think it would be very helpful to stream line how it works. Yep that will really be a good option.

So basically we sit down and decide to say alright you want a good time then you need a certain amount of work. Then it really will be easy.

See this is where we truly fail to get it. Well to me that is the case. I mean really we need a practical approach.

Personally I’m all for making this even extra unique. Yeah we need to be sure we all have some motivation to make this work.

So my idea to make it more interesting is to start up a soul business. Yeah let people sell their souls for fun.

Not to get into the religion business. Or suggest some connection with the devil, but I think it is a good approach.

Now this is simple. You sign on the dotted line and you get to not feel guilty. We will do that for you.
We can even send you cards if needed as updates.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


A nice poetic concept, but not the least bit realistic. Well not to me. I mean I enjoy those noble visions.

Only wish they weren’t so stupid. I mean really is there a reason we can’t apply sanity to some of this crap?

Sorry, but to me when you peddle a bunch of stuff that smells sweet, but will make you sick at your stomach, be warned. Just need to remember it.

Which is the part that is hard for some. They don’t want to remember. So instead the prefer to pretend.

So it all comes down to the central issue here of accepting what is really sane. And this nonsense of time waiting in any form is on that list.

Just comes down to the basic fact we need a little more wisdom in this area. Time for a chance to make it all better.

To spare mankind the silliness and help us all rise to a better level of existence. And to that end I would offer to help.

You can be sure I would use all my abilities to ease the struggle of life for my fellow man. Yes that’s me Mr. Thoughtful.

I just want to help. And it is always helpful when I can. But then you know some will always resist.

Now the challenge here is to find that one method that works. The means the blesses in the best way.

And to do so in a way that people actually appreciate. Which can be so tricky. Yep that will make the difference.

Well in theory. I do love when I can share these golden moments in thoughts with others. It can be challenging to say the least.

However we are creatures prone to need and guidance. So I do my best to grant my fellow man such opportunities.

Perhaps this would work better if we spent time just trying to recall what is important. And there is so much.

Which centers around doing what you can to make me happy. Hey that is important. You can be sure of that.

Have to figure that in there somewhere.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Ah the perfect day for all that must be. A time when you can depend on things to be what you dream.

I peddle the future and always will be happy to paint it as rosy and exciting as you need it to be. You want heaven, I will give it to you.

If you want paradise or utopia, no problem it is just a promise away. Yeah we are talking about the buffet of dreams.

And it is always you know warm and so tasty. The ideal feast for whatever you want and you know it will be so terrific.

Course the real joy with the concept of tomorrow is that it is in the future. And you keep it there.

So I like make sure I paint it so upbeat and hopeful. Just not wanting to make this into anything without hope.

Naturally there is the need to never admit this won’t happen. Yes this is very critical. I mean can ruin the fantasy.

Now the best way to do this is to be sure that you remain optimistic. Yeah that is a real important issue.

Because you see from my view most optimism is just another form of con job. Well sorry to those who think it is great.

I just know that when I speak in terms of uplifting I want you to be happy. I want you to be filled with joy.

Now the reality is that the world might be totally doomed. And there maybe no hope of it ever getting better.

Still I will tell you everything is going to be fine. And that will make you so happy. And I will enjoy it too.

Course when the world comes to an end you will be pissed. But you did have some moment of peace.

Which I think is very important. Oh perhaps we do sacrifice the truth. But how bad is that?

And honestly better to let everyone just think tomorrow is cool. They stay calm and all and then you get smiles.

The other way just pisses them off.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Nothing better when you can totally confuse and remove any concept of anticipation. Just leave people wondering.

This really is such a blessing. Well it is to me. But then what can I say, it is my brain and I can’t do a thing with it.

Oh I will say it is my dream. Well perhaps more my created since of reality. After all I do have the right.

So okay nobody else tinkers with the same demented concept of justice like I do. And would expect them too?

See this is the important part. Because it serves the public good. Yes it does. In more ways that some will ever imagine.

This is because after I get through people come away with a better appreciation for how things really should work. I make them grateful.

Course I get no thanks for that. Alas such a terrible job. All that creativity and it never gets much appreciation.

Why after I get through people are really able to look at government and decide they might be good after all. Should work that way.

But you always get those darn critics. They never enjoy any attempts to educate people in a good way.

This is so unfortunate. I mean it really takes a lot of work on my part to come up with all those creative solutions.

Heck the lies by themselves can be so exhausting to invent. And to make sure I don’t repeat them even more so.

Nobody seems to appreciate how much work that really is. Just seldom shows in terms of any acknowledgement.

So I just have to work harder at deceiving so when the person knows they have been conned they appreciate it more. True, they don’t say thanks.

Which is a tad disappointing. I mean really all that effort and the least they could do is applaud the effort.

Oh well I just have to be one of those things I just do for the love of it. Yep that has to be reward enough.

Plus the money I rip off.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I don’t think I’m thrilled to hear this. Normally the cloud who says it is off squandering time doing stupid things.

And the whole point of mentioning it is to make it seem like we should be grateful for not being as bad off as they are. This is a good option?

Sure don’t enjoy hearing that crude. It is like they want to one up you at being bad off. Like that is a good choice.

But then I personally don’t enjoy boasting about misery. I would prefer to inspire envy in people.

I find that much more satisfying when I can achieve it. This sympathy route is really a losing option from my view.

Maybe it might work better if it ended in some kind of help. But problem is that it doesn’t.

This I have learned. People will feel sorry for you, but really won’t offer to help. Because they are afraid it could happen to them.

Whereas if you inspire envy in a person they will be driven by greed to get the same. So they will take time to bribe.

Providing they are convinced doing it will somehow earn them some reward. Oh yeah works every time.

Now maybe not the way they want. Because they are of the opinion your success can be infectious.

And that is certainly an image you want to create. I really do try to do that when I can. Yeah that is fun.

Only problem is that you have to keep them guessing. Yep that is the important part. Really have to let them have hope.

Hope is such a great benefit. Dangle that idea how there and people will do anything. And the more you do it better it is.

However you can let it become reality. Then it can be costly. And that is not a good option.

So just dangling it out there and you can have all kinds of fun. A never ending cycle of thrills.
For a fee naturally that you get the other person to pay.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Well life sure affords us some interesting opportunities. Yes there is nothing more satisfying than those great times when chance works for you.

Only problem is how often do you get to make it come out as you want? See that is the part that sucks.

Now that is where I am really getting excited on this whole deal. Yeah, nothing is more satisfying than those special moments.

And if by chance you can’t find them, then invent them. That is what I do. Yes, works great if you succeed.

The problem is making it believable. This is the part that really is so important. If you can’t do it then tough.

So the best way to approach this is to plan ahead only make it seem like you didn’t plan it. Yeah that is tricky.

What you have to do is fake it. Only do it in a way that is truly believable. Other wise it is pointless.

What I do is find a way to make it all credible. Takes a real pro to make it all look natural and not faked.

So it all comes down to the concept of passing on the idea you are a good person. I know that is ridiculous, but it works.

How do I do this? Easy. You be sure they see you do a good deed. Oh it can be made up, but they need to think you mean it.

Then they will be all prepared to take it as truth. Once you do that it is to accomplish. Very much so.

Now the joy in all of this is when you get what you want. Some will find this easier to accept than others.

This is where it all becomes an issue of understanding. Making them believe your bull. Yep it matters.

Why is this important. Because people need things to believe it. Yeah, that is what really counts.

Only problem is you need to create the illusion it works right. Dredge up some sympathy. Then you can have fun.
As long as they never find out you made it up.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


How come obvious junk isn’t really obvious. At least not to me. Oh I think it is pretty easy to notice.

Just doesn’t get better with expecting morons to look. Now that is the part that really counts.

Now the first priority with this is to not expect help from any sane person. Especially an educated one.

They are the ones who never actually can see things that are obvious because their brains complicate things. And so they end up being stupid.

So it takes a person who is weird and slightly cracked. Yeah they will be more apt to detect the strange.

But the problem is that you can’t allow this to rule your life. Because the nuts also notice things that aren’t there.

You just can’t be too careful. Have to be sure you take time to filter how insight from dementia.

Many a poor mind has blown a fuse who didn’t know the difference. Yep that will truly ruin it.

But then that is why you need the con men like me. Because we are always looking for the edge.

I won’t say we always find it. Just that it is there. Still you have to be prepare to look into the norm.

And if or some reason you can do this with fun even better. Sorry, but still like to enjoy things.

I always feel sad when you just can’t get this to work. Because you are being too proud and preoccupied.

That is when you are acting stupid and can’t admit it. A really mess of a situation. Yep really does suck.

Now that is something that always has to be watched against. Really you can mistake obvious for easy.

This is when you are in big trouble. Because your brain is too busy think you are a genius and then it ruins it.

Which is not as obvious as it should be.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Now who wouldn’t be thrilled by this option? Yeah can’t hardly see it as bad to have a chance to correct the past.

Not that I would have any reason to think this would work out as some presume. Nope, nice idea.

But see I don’t think that some give much thought to how it all might cause problems. Which I have.

For example what if fixing one problem resulted in a worse disaster happening elsewhere? See bet you didn’t think of that.

Yeah now that I have added that part you really have to give it some thought. And then you can be prepared to think twice.

This could get so complicated. Yeah, you might totally screw things up. Then you would be so much in worse trouble.

Now this is the part we have to worry about. We have to be much more prepared to think of all the possibilities.

For really what if in the process by some fluke you end up taking a nut case and make them rich. Or your boss?

Now that is something to worry about. Don’t want to screw life up to that degree. Nope no headaches for me.

That is why I need to be sure we have this whole process totally clear. Not allow it to go crazy.

But naturally at the moment we have to deal with the issue of knowing you can’t do this. So that solves part of the problem.

Well that is for the ordinary you understand. However can’t say for the sure. I mean what if the government has done this?

Now that would really be the pits. Because they way they work I can imagine this would be done on purpose.

Oh yeah I can see this. Some clown with a time machine and government hand book. Rule number one eliminate what makes sense.

Then after that you move on to let’s only allow what becomes stupid to survive. Ah, now that would really make sense.

I’ll let you decide if this has happen.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


This is always a fun job. Some people just have such a silly view on this. I mean it is like pulling teeth to impress.

Now for myself I work on this the easy way. Bribes work best. Yeah I love when that is an alternative.

Just the chance to make some people so darn happy. They will see the truth as works for them.

And you will get a chance to bless them. Well I think of it as being a blessing. Really have to see it that way.

Now perhaps some won’t. But anytime they are given a nice incentive to move forward that is a good thing.

The thing is it is hard to always persuade even when it is in a person’s best interest. Some people have trouble with that part.

So you have to work hard to change that. Which is where the bribe comes in and counts. In a good way.

It is such a factor you have to get focused on here. To be sure you take the time help them see the right point of view.

Now the way I see it this is a matter of the right kind of inspiration. Just to be sure that the person sees the benefits.

To accomplish this requires so many things. It needs to be logical. And that is never easy with some.

Now the problem is sometimes we are talking something that is totally insane. Which is a challenge, but not impossible.

Just a matter of how much I want to spread the truth. Heck don’t right break it at times, to the fun.

Which all becomes part of the great joy I have in life. When I can truly help someone see life differently then I’m happy.

And if I work it so they don’t end up pissed even better. However that part I do have to work on.

Which is so satisfying when it results in change. And for that I am grateful. Well try to be at least.

Sounds good too.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Inspiration is a wonderful thing. And even better when it results in something good and not weird.

Now if you can be sure that you won’t got nuts in the process then that is worth dealing with. But you can’t always do that.

Which gets even more complicated when you aren’t sure what is motivating the other person. That can be a problem.

And naturally they seldom will admit if what drives them is under the category of being best kept in a padded cell. Or in need of meds.

See this is the problem with the ones who are the bible thumper types. I mean some are very nice.

Others are well totally nuts. Sorry, but they might talk to God, but their god is certifiable.
No offense intended to the real Lord.

I just wish He was more able to like slap some of the spiritual whackos out there. They just have too many quirks.

And that is a sad condition since it does make life less than fun. Okay they are entitled to be nuts.

However I really don’t care to join them. Because I have enough problems with weird workers.

At least they don’t need the Lord to act insane. They act that way all without any help. And I’m relieved.

Not sure that I could handle it if they added some religious bent to their behavior. That would scary.

Unless you are bent towards some kind of spiritual thought then it just colors the whole process. Makes it very hard.

Because they will always make a big deal of letting you know they are doing things to be good. No matter how nuts they are.

And if you try to explain that acting insane is not the same as spiritual they might be offended. Not a good choice.

I am grateful that the people for the most part don’t get into pagan religions. I’m not keen of people who want to have you worship some plant.

Just don’t work for me.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Well now this is one of those subjects where it is more in the head than anywhere else. A joy imagine without substance.

Which I naturally treat as a good thing. Because there is just joy in the theory that you can prove.

Or perhaps it is more you don’t want to. They are the fun options, which always work. Just not on our schedule.

I think concepts are great because they can be vague. They don’t have to even be true. Just an idea.

And the idea is generally something you take time to let have an influence over you behavior. Because it feels good.

Yep, doesn’t even have to make sense. Just be the view that you feel deserves attention and works as you want.

Now some will not perhaps appreciate this view. They will get picky and presume that you need to only deal with things that are logical.

Of course logic is a good thing. Yes it is. And would truly be even better if life actually made sense.

But since it really never will then we have the truth that things will never work the way we want. Still we do hope.

Now this is were the idea of concepts comes in so handy. Such things as freedom is really a good theory.

Course in reality it doesn’t always work that way. Nope wish it did, but the plain fact even if we don’t like it is that problem we are stuck with.

So I personally love concepts. All those things we wish were something that happened every day.

Things like love and peace are such great notions. They will always be popular. And we will always be thrilled when we think they might even exist.

Of course they often get all confused and lost somewhere in our head. Rattle around in our attic.

We sort of imagine once when they existed. Well imagine it to a degree. But then you never get people to agree.
So I just peddle the myth and feel so good when it works or at least somebody things so.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Ah yes the everlasting thrills of something you know you can’t prevent. Sort of like a law only not a law.

More like a rule that you are stuck with. You don’t like it, but can’t prevent it from being so you try to work around it.

Which is never easy since these kinds of stupid rules are known by everyone. And most hate them.

So you live with it and think of ways to ignore them when possible. Which is done best when you lie about it.

Course most never admit to the rules. We don’t like to accept such things as reality. Nope, not at all.

Still does get to us. So we figure the best ways to work them into our lives that will be painless.

Course that never works the way we want. So we end up other than excited by the options.

Now that never was quite the joy that some want to pretend. Yeah you can be sure they don’t treat it as such.

Nope we can be sure that none will ever take time to let this be such a governing aspect we move on in our lives. Just try to fake it.

Now I don’t mind that much myself. Really doesn’t seem to be that important. We just take our time.

And if all goes well then we are happy. Able to spin such tall tales about success and control.

They are fantasies naturally. The kind that keep us sane. Because then we don’t have to pretend.

Well it is form of pretending. Just maybe not one we want to really think about. Nope better to imagine.

Now for some of us this is just a case of choice. To say to heck with what some think. We are going to have fun.

Sure would be nice if it could work that way other than theory. But alas we do have to tolerate the truth.

Maybe lie about it, but still now it is there.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Sure do love thing that are brand new. Yep, right out of the box never been used is just so wonderful.

And then you know be the very first one to have a chance to use some object is the best feeling in the world. Got to love it.

Somewhere we take the time to be sure that we find all the new things in life. Course there are the ordinary ones.

We are talking the stuff you buy at the store. Oh we can go and get the stuff at a used store.

But that is not the same as new. A pure virgin. Yeah now that something that you really savor.

Course you know there is the fun of exploring other options. This is the fun part. A real quest.

And the best part s when you are talking something like people’s minds. They can really be new at times.

Yeah, got to love that part too. We are talking about in terms of experience. Really is great.

Yep, I so enjoy those fun times. And if they are voters even better. I love when I get to inspire them.

So then you get so excited. Guiding them down the road to the place you want them to be.

Then letting them pay for it. Which is the part that really works great. Even more so if they can apologize.

I so love when that happens. Which is only something that happens with the new mind types.

Because the ones with experience get uncooperative. Yeah once they learn they get attitudes.

Now what I am groping for here is volunteers. Yep, you can truly love when people step up and offer to help.

Cuts down on all the other stuff. No shopping. But more are not in the rare category of being like that.

So you have to well keep shopping.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


To the point, precise and totally correct. Yep, sure would love that. Could be quite the joy.

Only problem is that can be so hard for a guy like me to deal in exactly. Because vague is so important to me.

Now the big deal is you need to take time to preserve this aspect. Yep, I need those freedoms.

Only problem is getting others to appreciate it. Some think exactly is so essential. And I can appreciate it.

So I just have to work so hard to be sure that some won’t panic when they ask for facts. Now that is a challenge.

And that is the joy of statistics. Yeah I really love when I can dazzle with numbers and k
know they are phony.

And to make them seem accurate is the best. Important to always not have it in writing. Unless you have them printed.

The nice thing is when you can pick statistics nobody would have a way to check. Just make them about something nobody would remotely know.

Then you can be so happy. Because they will always willing to think you are helping them.

And let me tell you when it is al done and they are totally confused they will be so happy and not know it. Which is the best part.

At least right up to the point they find out it was all an fake. Yeah that will be the joy. Only if it last till you don’t see them.

But that depends on how well you can weave those numbers. Got to have that right tone in your voice.

Plus look so confident. Yeah that is the other issue. Confidence is the part that will sell so much.

And it will so wonderful when it works. I mean that is the part that gives me the most joy.

But then you have to be able to like work this for the per centages. And when it doesn’t work out you fake it.

With some special extra numbers.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Nothing can get to you more thrilled than a nice doze of sugar. And when it comes in an extra tasty form even better.

Which is the good part about candy. It can take so many different forms. And really doesn’t even have to be regular sugar.

See that is the part that matters. Well it does to me. I mean I don’t limit myself to the usual forms.

I know plenty who do that. They fail to see life as a candy store. Yeah lots of options out there.

And I know I never stop looking for new options. Always a thrill when I find enough of them.

The best ones are the type you find that nobody else has already messed up. See once you have enough people who know about it then it is ruined.

So always smart to keep those candy wrappers hidden. And don’t reek of chocolate breath around others.

Just a little helpful hint from your Uncle Rash. Going to have to put all these somewhere I guess.

Save them up for a special day. Yep, put them all in a nice box of mental chocolates. Yep now that is a good thing.

Now the nice thing is when you can take the concept of sugar into the realm of non calorie choices. That is truly great.

So what we are talking here are treats. Things we don’t need, but sure do crave. And making sure you get it regardless.

Because it is the part of life that really does mean so much. When you get done putting up with all the craziness and nice treat tastes so good.

Yeah you just love that time you can sink your teeth into what helps you forget all the other junk in life. Which is a plus.

Now the problem is we all crave different things. And to that degree I like to play the candy man.

Yep, love making people happy. Have nice little selection of goodies. Most are even legal.

Well the other ones naturally I sell with wire checks.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Jacket are one of those pieces of clothing we all have to have. Unless we spend our whole lives indoors.

Then you might still get stuck wearing one if you work somewhere that requires a suit. Seems to have been part of fashion for centuries.

Maybe it was inspired by some tailor to ensure job security. Or the result of those who once made suits of armor and needed you know alternative employment.

I can’t say for sure I just know that whoever came up with idea sure succeeded in causes some tradition. We all have been stuck with it ever since.

Now it isn’t all bad. Nope there are good aspects. Can’t quite think what they are right now, but I’m sure they are there.

What I would like to know is how do I come up with the next similar creation. Yeah, that would be terrific.

Only problem is that you know it is hard to gauge what will have that kind of appeal. Just hard to say for sure.

So I’ve been giving this some thought. I want to really make this a reality. Be the one who can sit back years later and see the whole planet slave to my creation.

So the way I figure it is an issue of taking time to know what people really need. Has to be a change they want.

Only not that they will volunteer the object that will inspire the type of change everyone to be happy. Or at least accept it.

Essentially my basic reaction is to think in terms of something electronic. That sure seems to be our future.

And has to be related to computers. Yeah that will also be nice too. Communication always is popular.

So perhaps we need a new super duper computer device. Some all purpose deal that we all want.

Has to have the internet you understand. Yep that would be great. And lots of accessories.

Hmmm, sounds simple. A portable hand held satellite system. One where you could even use it as a transporter.

Now just have to find a person to build it. Hey, I’m an idea man.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This is somebody’s idea of a noble occupation. They feel it works for nuns and monks and that is fine.

It is nice my choice. Nor will it ever be. Sorry, but the idea of living without some bed warmer just doesn’t cut it.

Now if you were talking say being unmarried and fooling around that would be different. Yeah that I can see.

We need those little options. Well I do. Marriage is a nice theory. The idea of two people living together and being happy is nice.

Now does have such a great fantasy quality. The concept of two people actually in love and staying that way for a long time.

Course that is not reality. Wish it was. I think it may work for those who learn a way to fake it real well.

But for most I think they just get pissed off behind the doors and then run off to where they can try and find fun. And not get caught.

Now that is the part that I really find the most important. See I do wonder if that holds true with the celibate types too.

Like say not getting married, but indulging in a little fun. Maybe you don’t know a way to make this happen for sure.

That can be a problem. So you end up getting creative. And that can lead to mistakes. Because it is energy.

And anytime you have to use energy it can be exhausting. Plus say you have this silly idea about say having some commitment in a relationship.

That is always such a difficult thing. Yeah there are those who just get upset if you promise they are the only one and they aren’t.

But then you have to take time to define how it works. Which is not always easy. Some people are just not realistic.

They will be so inclined to make this out to be such a big issue. And really it isn’t. Or I say it shouldn’t be.

But that is where you have so much to look forward too. Just those times of explaining. And being inventive too.

Got to love it or at least lie about it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well this is a metal. It is also a device used to get wrinkles out of clothes. Very handy in the right hands.

You might have trouble convincing some that this is a good thing. They prefer to buy clothes that don’t get wrinkles.

Thus risking the economy of the iron industry. Now is that a nice thing to do to someone?

Course with regular iron we normally don’t have that much need for it in daily life I suppose. Golfers do use some, not sure the same kind.

Then there is the type you get in minerals. Now that is a good option too. If you are in need of it.

So that comes down to a lot of questions. Can one truly find a reason to look at this as a diversity we will savor.

Is it our choice as to whether iron is our preference. Do we wish to give this time honored name some glory.

Is it part of our calling to move into the realm of iron fame? Help this silent part of our legacy be preserved?

Well I’m sure many will not regard it as important. They will cast away the pearls it offers and not think about it again.

And when does it end up being just something that we do to other things? Doesn’t this happen a lot?

I think it does. Yeah something so faithful gets ignored in time of need. Yeah we need to watch this so carefully.

Because you never know when we will be the iron that gets forgotten next. Just something we need to remember.

Really is very important. Come on give this some thought. Yeah that is the part the counts.

Because we can never forget when this could be us. Some other form easily abandoned by life.

Personally I am not going to be treated as scrap metal. Nope not on my agenda of choices.

So we just keep that a warning, I hope.

Monday, March 09, 2009


Now some might treat costumes as only for holidays. Nice idea, but really we wear them all the time.

Just a question of the type. And if you enjoy them. Not much fun if you don’t. Nope that is never a joy.

But that is up to the person. I myself love to treat it as a joy. Always find some way to make it a fun event.

Now that means treating fashion as one big charade. This is always the best part. When you can pretend.

I like to see it as armor. To view myself as a knight. One who maybe doesn’t ride a horse, but has nice car.

And personally though I might be deficient in the chivalry department, I do manage to help a damsel in distress. And always willing to help.

Such a thrill it is to savor such moment and look for a chance to help anyway I can. And some really appreciate it.

True the kings of their castle don’t say thanks. They can be very less than appreciative at times.

Just no way of pleasing everyone. Sometimes you can even please a few. Still have to try and I do.

Now it is nice when it gets good results. Yeah that is the part I always will love. A chance to make it all better.

Better is such a fun word. Yep one you can truly treasure such times. Really is so much for bringing smiles.

Now beyond that is the joy of when you can put on other costumes. Yeah the kind you get to from parties.

Only you don’t call them parties. You call them work. But not everyone sees work as a party.

I can appreciate that. But I do and try to keep it that way. Only you can not do it all the time.

So you fake it. Have those special dress up days. Where people dress like whatever. And have a good time.

Well hope to.

Sunday, March 08, 2009


Snoopy is nice. And he knows when to shut up. Actually he seems to be really good at not saying anything.

Just using his dog house as a plane and reliving World War 1. I like that. A dog who has simplified life.

It is a good thing. Yep, you just have to enjoy this aspect. Seeing somebody who has figured a way to make life work.

And you can’t diminish that joy. Not in any way. Just wish more people had that option. Or a way to make it work.

But it all seems to get messed up so many ways. Just too many people that can’t find a way to be happy in the insanity.

Life really is that way. Basically nuts. And I think that is a wonderful thing. A joy to behold.

Now what we have to do is come to a point of honesty on this one. Really think it would benefit all of us.

Oh maybe not today. But eventually and forever. Okay that might be a tad optimistic. At least where it would last till next year.

That’s a pretty good option really. A chance to you know have enough hope to get us through the lunacy.

But then you can be sure there will be some who can’t handle this. They will always find some excuse.

They want to be a logical and make the whole world make sense. And they will be miserable in the process.

Yep you can count on that reaction. Just apart of the regrettable process called life that some choose to live.

As for me, well I choose to learn from someone like Snoopy. Just find what works no matter how dumb and enjoy.

Now that really will make you happy. Maybe not sane, but happy. Then you can truly love to spend each day acting weird.

See people underestimate this value. They really do. They never quite get it. And that is the way it will be.

Got to love it. Or lie about it.

Saturday, March 07, 2009


Ah, you got to love the chance to fly. Really can’t complain if you can soar through life. Wish that happen all the time.

And the problem is being around all the darn people who just make you nuts with their antics. Really are so silly.

They don’t want anyone to fly. Just be the turkeys they are. And take time to be sure we all miserable.

Yep that is the one thing I don’t enjoy. Really a bunch of crap. No allowing feathers for anyone.

Now that is how I get past it all. I just go and fine my feathers. And I will sell them to others.

Yeah that is the fun part. Really can’t stop wanting to help others be eagles instead of chickens.

But that is not the fun. It is the plain crap you get from too many and they never do any good for you.

Yep it just plain sucks. And I certainly do my best to not hang with those types. If only they weren’t successful.

Hard to understand at times. I really don’t care to spend more time in that kind of deal. Just not for me.

I am working on ways to improve it. Like taking time to give directions to cliffs. Yep places where people can leap.

Or with the right people you just push them. And that is the part I wish I could achieve. So much fun.

Well when you are dealing with the right person. Then it works great. If you get suckered in by someone too bad.

Now the challenge is to not become a bird brain. Yeah that makes it worse. Being in that trap will make you crazy.

And too many end up there. Yeah so sad and stupid too. Really do have to wonder. I know I do.

And then it all comes together in there right way. A time you can celebrate the joy of flight.

Or lie about it. Which works too.

Friday, March 06, 2009


Now this is really a matter of opinion in my view. Not a reality at all. Oh we have laws, but so often they are for show.

I mean the police have to have some thing to do in order to justify their budgets. Don’t get me wrong, they are important.

But can you imagine what would happen tomorrow if we happen to in any way to suddenly end up with honesty? Or worse no more greed.

Some might think this would be wonderful. But do they really understand what they are suggesting?

I mean we would put the military out of business. Now that is truly something that would not be a good choice.

What would we do with all those weapons? I mean could hardly eat them. And so we have to like figure a good use for tanks and air craft carriers.

Not to mention finding jobs for all those people who have been working so hard learning new ways to kill. Sort of difficult.

This is something we need to really consider. Providing we ever actually reached such a point.

Doesn’t seem very likely at this point. But still would create certain problems. Then end of crime would increase unemployment.

So we would need some project to work on. Yeah, a regular activity that all these extra labor could work on.

Now my view would be to focus on things that we really need. Such as devoting more time to pleasure.

Seems easy enough from my view. Take all those reformed criminals and let them be tour guides.

Well in addition we could start more amusement parks. Can’t have enough of them. Even more sports.

I’m sure we could come up with a few options. Could even have the condemned involved in some interesting options

Yep I like that idea. Just a joy to contemplate what can come out of it. So you get to image the options.

Well I can dream at least.

Thursday, March 05, 2009


Have you ever appreciate how the sun is a bad thing? It really is. I mean you see that sun out there and all the light and get ideas.

Not the good kind either. Well not for employers. People see a nice clear day and they want to go outside.

They don’t concentrate on their jobs and get to downright brain fried. All because they end up with this illusion.

Essentially the kind that leads them to actually want freedom. And that is a bad thing. For they end up being rebellious.

Now that is why I don’t like windows for my employees. Heck I have even taken times to be sure they think it is going to rain.

Had a good deal worked out with the local radio station. Got them to broadcast stormy weather forecast.

But then the news person got a job working in a park and the replacement insisted upon telling the truth. We never did get along.

I even tried this deal of taping some weather reports and making sure they got added to the radio. I made use I inserted them into the cd player.

Even had the remote control unit set up so I could play them. Yeah thought it was such a great idea.

Might have worked on it to get it perfected. Only people just wouldn’t believe a blizzard in July.

Well not for two weeks in a row. One that will thaw by five pm. Was tricky selling that one.

Now almost succeeded though. On that part I will confess. Still was fun to try. Did help with the productivity for a while.

But then things got tricky and they started asking to many questions. Was working to for a while.

Adjusting the A/C also helped. And treating people for frostbite added to the scam. But just wasn’t enough.

Oh well it is to dream. And for a while I really enjoyed it. But then they did looked out a window.

Then it was curtains time.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Oh yeah who doesn’t want this? I know I love it. And the more times I can find it the better.

But then it does get complicated since you have problems you know with finding those who can make this happen. And without lying about it.

This is the challenging part. Making sure you are not dealing with some nut who has no idea about truth.

And there sure are plenty of them out there. Very scary. Because so many thing they are right.

So you have to find a balance. People you can believe that will tell the truth. And have a realistic take on terrific.

And where I live this is never an easy thing. Because terrific gets dull when it is in a place where boring works.

But then I guess I would have to be happy with their idea of fun. Yeah that is one thing I have to live with.

Now it is okay I guess, I mean discount pizza isn’t bad. I don’t mind it is one form of outlet in a dull world.

And that would be regardless of the fact that I don’t quite find it thrilling that way. Yeah I like my fantastic less bland.

I want some seasoning on mine. Plenty of the good stuff. Spices to make it all so darn thrilling.

Yep that will make it so much fun. Well at least it should be. But then it is the joy of life guess to some.

So the challenge here is to find my kind of terrific where others don’t want to look. That can be challenging.

Yep, that is the part that will always be necessary for me to deal with it and not in a way that gives joy. Well not my idea at least.

And that will always be a challenge. But I’m willing to try. Can’t always enjoy it my way.

Still is nice to try. And that is the fun of life. Making all these dreams happen. Yep, sure is nice.
And even better when I don’t have to fake it.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Really enjoy working with the never people. So many of the never people will change their minds for the right price.

Now you got to love that. Having some one be so sure they can say no. And make it sound true.

Yeah, if you can take a sane person and make them nuts then you have truly done a miracle. And I love miracles.

Oh they aren’t always easy to find. Nope. Because some people have to be coached into the never mode.

Otherwise they will stay rather wishy washy about things. And then it takes all the fun out of things.

Which requires a special time of creativity. This means spending time talking and inspiring greed.

Yep that is the important aspect. Just take those advocates of self control and make them addicts.

Oh depending on the person will determine how much you have to inspire. But it really isn’t hard.

And the more they boast the more you know they will cave. And when they do the more they will lie.

But that is a matter of time. Some will hold out for a while. And you have to be patient. Really makes the difference.

Now the joy in all of this involves around the times it all works out. Yeah the occasions when it truly brings results.

And the thing I have found is that this is a case of the rebel becoming a slave. And a very good one too.

See the joy in this is that once you are done the person is forever yours. A hopeless slave to your whims.

And the whole time they will keep lying and think they are in charge. Oh yeah that is the fun part.

And it really is so darn satisfying. Because when you are done it will all be good. For you at least.

The other well, they will heal.

Monday, March 02, 2009


Love those chores that are never done. At work they are a form of job security. Yeah, got to savor that joy.

Now the important part is to be sure you don’t let anyone know you are stalling in getting things done. Yeah, that will never do.

Course you can not admit it. People will get upset if you tell them you stalling. They will tend to complain.

So that means you have to be sure you that you can act overworked. And naturally civil service rules so help.

I mean we have all those wonderful forms. Yeah this is a terrific way to take a normal process and make it slow.

Then afterwards there is the review period. The kind where we can take however long we want to get an answer.

They can be such a blessing. Yeah, that is when I do savor the joy of being creative. Learning how much stress one can take.

Yep if I work it right this can take months. Well unless they get too pissed. Have to avoid those threat moments.

In any case love to be sure I can make this convincing. Such a talent it requires to make sure it happens right.

Now the main goal is to have enough of the right stories to make the delay believable. Really requires skill.

I have found my options though. So far they have worked too. Yeah, just such a joy when you can put off a function as long as you want.

One does have to be careful. Always pay attention to detail. Such as knowing to be sure there are no stains on applications.

People tend to notice when there are stains from your lunch on their application. Yeah that really doesn’t produce smiles.

Still it is a joy when you work it right. Because you have succeeded in making a believer out of someone.

Then they will put up with anything. And that is wonderful. No pressure and always have fun waiting them wait.

Yep, got to enjoy that part.

Sunday, March 01, 2009


Well can’t diminish the value of precautions. To be sure you are prepared before an emergency.

Yep, you have to love that feeling. Sort of makes one into a prophet. And that is a good emotion.

So it is always something to enjoy. Providing you can be accurate on it. Which is not always easy.

I mean being a prophet really has some class. And being able to say I told you so is even better.

The biggest challenge is being accurate. You can’t guess on this. So that means you know not faking it.

Course unless you have some talent for knowing things in advance it might be hard to make this believable. That takes some special ability.

This is where illusion comes in. The art of making sure others believe you know what ou are talking about.

It can be difficult to say the least without a little help. Now the challenge in that regard s to have some allies.

Naturally they have to be paid. Which means you have to be sure you that you are able to get the results you wan

Oh this does require contriving the results. Hiding the facts that are phony. That way you can make it look great.

I mean the people you are lying to deserve a good lie. Only fair. No reason to bother them with stupid things.

And so that is why I like to show I care. To take the time to make them all look so satisfied.

Now I do try and make that a special priority. I mean I love to deceive, but do like it as an art.

But then you need the special extra gift of credibility. No giving away that you are lying rat.

And that is the part that I truly have to master. Which I do. A chance to make it all so wonderfully blessed.

Well in my pocket book naturally.