Monday, March 30, 2009


Well these can be a real blessing in the right situation. And a real pain in the wrong situation.

But then you know that is to be expected. I mean the trainees you get in any job are a mixed bag.

I for one prefer to actually hire them myself. I mean that way I have no problems knowing what to expect.

The problem is when you have to accept some clown who somebody else decide had potential. So you give them a try.

you know that is the fun part. Just being able to like find out for sure. Well only if I don’t have to pay for it.

Now I am naturally very happy to open the doors of employment at city hall to a wide variety of individuals. So always willing to give anyone a try.

At least that is the formal or should I say official position. Which sounds so understanding and tolerant.

Very important when you are talking about the people who watch from governmental windows to see if we are behaving. I never am.

Still does pay to create the illusion. So that means hiring the occasional nut case to show we are liberated.

Only real problem is that you sometimes have them be the ones that actually function. That is an amazing issue.

Oh you know that is the part that is hard to explain. Really is so incredible. Just gets tough when the nuts prevail.

I have tried to like not let those flukes get to me. They really are not the norm. Thank goodness for that.

So the way I work on this is to be sure I give them some job that is so complicated nobody can understand it. And even works at times.

Some times though dumb luck prevails. Then you have a real problem. Yep, that is when I have to get very creative.

Which generally translates into lots of regulations. Some are even real. Others I make up for the occasion.

The challenge being to not forget which ones are real.


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