Thursday, March 12, 2009


Jacket are one of those pieces of clothing we all have to have. Unless we spend our whole lives indoors.

Then you might still get stuck wearing one if you work somewhere that requires a suit. Seems to have been part of fashion for centuries.

Maybe it was inspired by some tailor to ensure job security. Or the result of those who once made suits of armor and needed you know alternative employment.

I can’t say for sure I just know that whoever came up with idea sure succeeded in causes some tradition. We all have been stuck with it ever since.

Now it isn’t all bad. Nope there are good aspects. Can’t quite think what they are right now, but I’m sure they are there.

What I would like to know is how do I come up with the next similar creation. Yeah, that would be terrific.

Only problem is that you know it is hard to gauge what will have that kind of appeal. Just hard to say for sure.

So I’ve been giving this some thought. I want to really make this a reality. Be the one who can sit back years later and see the whole planet slave to my creation.

So the way I figure it is an issue of taking time to know what people really need. Has to be a change they want.

Only not that they will volunteer the object that will inspire the type of change everyone to be happy. Or at least accept it.

Essentially my basic reaction is to think in terms of something electronic. That sure seems to be our future.

And has to be related to computers. Yeah that will also be nice too. Communication always is popular.

So perhaps we need a new super duper computer device. Some all purpose deal that we all want.

Has to have the internet you understand. Yep that would be great. And lots of accessories.

Hmmm, sounds simple. A portable hand held satellite system. One where you could even use it as a transporter.

Now just have to find a person to build it. Hey, I’m an idea man.


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