Sunday, March 01, 2009


Well can’t diminish the value of precautions. To be sure you are prepared before an emergency.

Yep, you have to love that feeling. Sort of makes one into a prophet. And that is a good emotion.

So it is always something to enjoy. Providing you can be accurate on it. Which is not always easy.

I mean being a prophet really has some class. And being able to say I told you so is even better.

The biggest challenge is being accurate. You can’t guess on this. So that means you know not faking it.

Course unless you have some talent for knowing things in advance it might be hard to make this believable. That takes some special ability.

This is where illusion comes in. The art of making sure others believe you know what ou are talking about.

It can be difficult to say the least without a little help. Now the challenge in that regard s to have some allies.

Naturally they have to be paid. Which means you have to be sure you that you are able to get the results you wan

Oh this does require contriving the results. Hiding the facts that are phony. That way you can make it look great.

I mean the people you are lying to deserve a good lie. Only fair. No reason to bother them with stupid things.

And so that is why I like to show I care. To take the time to make them all look so satisfied.

Now I do try and make that a special priority. I mean I love to deceive, but do like it as an art.

But then you need the special extra gift of credibility. No giving away that you are lying rat.

And that is the part that I truly have to master. Which I do. A chance to make it all so wonderfully blessed.

Well in my pocket book naturally.


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