Thursday, April 30, 2009


Life is filled with balloons,
inflated brains expanded with hot air
from the dizzying gases of boast,
until the mind is deluded
into thinking one is a bird,
soaring above the world,
better than the clouds or other creations.

Reason becomes a lofty and vain basket,
suspended in the head by presumptions.

Suddenly unable to touch the earth,
ignoring the reality ruts and rocks,
until what once was utterly moronic
seems so wise and logical.

Losing the capacity to see
where prudence would have not stepped,
just so puffed up with pride
can’t think of gravity’s effects.

This finally ends
when a pin of consequence
burst the illusions,
then you notice
what appeared so brilliant
lack any common sense.

It all lasts until the next time
when inhaling some helium fantasies,
convinced they come from Einstein’s breath.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Hills that turn into Alps
with peaks you can’t find,
falling into caves
you didn’t know were there.

Guided by a mountaineer
whose instruction manual
is written as one long sentence.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Okay babe I got your treat right here,
all those stupid dog tricks you made me do,
just to show them off to that dumb boyfriend,
give me those crappy doggy treats
while making me think
you were going to let me have a special reward
by bringing home that female boxer
that you showed me in the pet store.

Well got my own surprise for you,
my way of saying thanks
for luring me to that vet’s office
wagging my tail and assuming
it would be a night to remember.

Instead of spending time with a gal
he slipped me that Alpo mickey
then I woke up being neutered!

So let’s see how you like
the same kind of thoughtfulness,
wonder if you’ll be dancing
once a few volts pass through you body,
left unconscious
when your lover boy shows up.

I’ve watched that dog enough to know,
he won’t let you being comatose
keep him from having fun,
only what you don’t realize
is when you weren’t looking
how I switched your birth control pills
with my worm medicine.

Let’s see what you end up fetching
after he tosses you his stick enough times.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Well one thing you can know for sure, somebody has codes for all kinds of things. Some will even make sense.

Now the problem is that this isn’t based on logic. It is based on opinion. Which is fine except that doesn’t mean I have to enjoy it.

I would love it if this worked other ways. But it doesn’t. Instead I have to tolerate the insanity they pass on to others.

And as a Mayor they really complicate my job. Because those codes are never going to make life better for the rest of us.

This is all the process called me first. Only we never label it that way. We call it having the right to an opinion.

Naturally everyone feels their standard is the best. Which is silly and absurd. And I never enjoy that logic.

But you always have some moron out there that believes their point of view is worth more than anyone else. Which is boring.

Yep this is why I don’t involved myself in hearing what some call codes. Because it is just downright stupid.

I know some who say otherwise. Well yeah they will always bore you with their idea of what makes sense.

I am glad I don’t have to put up with that. Really is not my idea of how to get through the day.

Which would be fine if you could get the others to understand that. Only they are too busy writing their rules.

So what I am doing is trying to come up with my own special set of codes that I think will fix this. A few reasonable ones.

The tricky part is to try and make it all so they don’t get bored. People who tend to panic if they don’t get their way.

Man do I hate that. They will be sure they write their codes so you are always wrong. No matter what you did.

Yep, I sure like to avoid them. Really is not my idea of the logical way to deal with problems.

Now we are moving ahead. A few lies always improves that.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


A droplet dangles from the grinder bench,
finally falling into that pool on the concrete,
mixing with the rusty water
streaked with swirls of oil.

Its sound is unheard in the factory’s silence,
the tomb of industrial dreams,
closed ages ago and left to decay.

The gaping holes in the emerald glass roof
allow winters showers to flood the cement,
another victim of financial death.

Quagmires of corporate design
left in the shadows
of the industrial carcasses they create.
Lives and hopes left in swamps created
out of dreams.

With the door pad locked the truth is sealed away,
one more statistic left in murky truth,
metal skeletons burying the pain
of those who thought this factory
was their rescue from poverty.

Sunk the bogs of bureaucracy
time will drown the heartache,
but the memories of the pain
will always rise to the mind’s surface,
being the marsh the heart dwells
in stagnant expectations.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


The black locomotive blew its charcoal smoke
as a long vaporous trail
into the noon’s turquoise sky,
its silver wheels a blur of spinning speed,
crimson passenger cars rocking back and forth
as the streamline train
speeds across the desert terrain.

Conductor strolling down the aisle,
dressed in ebony suit with matching hat,
collecting tickets with a broad serene smile
and boasting the railroad’s unparallel safety record.

Engineer suddenly has lethal heart attack
from trying to unstuck throttle
that was faulty, but inspectors ignored,
his partner noticing sign that bridge is out,
tries to apply the brakes,
but they fail because the lines were broken,
repair order back at station,
buried and forgotten under a stack of bills
on a clerk’s desk who declining sanity
was ignored because he worked for such low wages.

Engine’s surviving crewman
abandons the cab to climb and warn
the conductor of the danger,
feeling an urge to confess the guilt
unto the doom travelers,
but the man gives him a stern look of rebuke
to ensure they are not told a thing,
replying with a defensive tone of transit pride,
“everybody dies.”

Friday, April 24, 2009


Well nothing can make you more nuts that those times when you feel like your nerves are shot. Totally frayed.

As if you can’t handle one more pressure or problem. And that is when naturally things will happen.

It is as if there is some kind of special curse on such situations. A cosmic force that works to ruin your day.

Oh it happens at other times. But it is not the same as when you are for example in a position to really stress.

Those are the times you just need the break the most. Which will not happen. Then you become a magnet.

That is when every person who can truly drive you over the edge will come for a visit. And they will be sure they do the things to make it worse.

Not that they do it on purpose. Oh they might not claim it was on purpose, but they sure will make the right choices.

Those guaranteed to make you want to strangle somebody or act totally nuts. Which you will.

Unfortunately there is only one realistic solution to this situation. It might not be the one you like, but no choice.

This is when you dump the problem on somebody else. Since that pain in the butt over to somebody else to give them grief.

That might not seem like a good choice, but you do have to do it. Unless you plan on staying nuts.

That is not the best choice. Nope unless you prefer to retire and live in a padded room. Might be nice, but so boring.

Course most of the time the person doesn’t leave willingly. Nope they will find some reason to avoid leaving.

Bribes can work at times. Not always. That is the part that has to be worked out. A little way of politely getting them to leave.

To accomplish this is often a matter of finding the right motivation. A way to probe into a mind and make them see the light.

Which is a bar light if you are lucky.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Stretches of solitude
traveled in silence,
except for the stereo in the head
replaying the songs
from places left behind.

Between is the endless highway
journeyed by the mind,
is a road of reflection
where you are never sure
when you’ll reach the next realization.

Questions left unanswered
ride in the passenger’s seat,
hitchhikers picked up
on other journeys made alone.

Can’t stop the drive towards discovery,
though worried about ending up out of fuel
from the lack of insight’s refill,
shifting gears to pass the barren landscapes
for fear of breaking down,
there is no tow truck you can call
if stuck in a wilderness of facts
you prefer not see,
hurrying to reach a destination beyond being stranded
from running on empty
in the gas tank of truth.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The sun rises in the morn,
after that everything is guesswork,
we measure the moments by our clocks,
plan our lives in such constant presumptions,
depend upon logic to prefect the day,
then go insane when it all falls apart.

There are cracks in every hourglass,
winds always come unexpectedly,
minds of stable concrete,
crumble for reasons oft unknown.

Still we organize and expect,
celebrate what hasn’t been accomplished,
dream and love, vow and act as if
tomorrow is already written,
to control is the passion of security,
always craving the reality
of making what we want
solid and guaranteed.

Going insane when it all falls apart,
wanting what we desire
on the schedule we dictate,
but life is a fickle prankster,
ever adding detours to our paths,
sometimes sanity is the destination,
which doesn’t take a map,
enjoys the seasons that prevail,
savors the sunlight and the storms,
walks without thinking
there will never be a time traveled
that doesn’t have added demands.

Hearts that can cherish the journey
regardless of how the scenery alters
will always find the trip more peaceful
than those who get stressed
from discovering road signs
they though never existed.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Love is what you get
after the fairy tell wedding ceremony
and before cupid’s grim reaper
pronounces His eulogy on your heart’s dreams.

It is maxing out your credit card
for some Valentines or Anniversary gift
because you refuse to let debt ruin the celebration,
checking two for one discount coupons
to some bargain restaurant
hoping they serve an entrée
that doesn’t get you sick like the last time.

Kisses in the air of remembered affections,
while half asleep and ambling out to trash can
with a bag of garbage.

Watching those sappy romance movies
and admiring how the air always fills with violins
when the couple embrace,
though you only get the sound of the neighbor’s lawnmower
or the back fire of his out of tune, rusty wreck
should you try to be affectionate.

Admiring how those partners in flicks
seem to have problems that always get fixed
before the film ends,
guys wake up every morning in bed being clean shaven
with wives that rise with perfect hair,

They have kids that listen, boss who understand
and in the middle of it all,
passion always gets a break.

Meanwhile in the real world,
prince charming hocked his armor to pay for car repair,
his goddess has to shop at Walmart
for her sexy, affordable lingerie.

Instead of speaking poetry on Saturday night
two worn out and exhausting creatures
just nap and call it an eve to remember.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Well sure is great when you have a chance to do this. Yep, just those times when life get so full of laughter.

Only problem is that this is hard to fine. Yeah I wish it wasn’t the case, but it is. And I will always try to change that.

In any event I will always strive to seek this as an alternative. The hard part is to find a way for it to happen.

This is the nature of life. And that is why I am on this campaign to take life to a different level. Set free the joy.

That’s right we need more fun. And I will always preach that to all that I know. Just spread the joy so we celebrate life.

Only problem is not getting this to work. That is because of the silly people who decide they can have fun.

Now they are not the majority thank goodness. But they can influence the rest. And that is the part that matters.

So the way I deal with this is to make sure I just don’t allow such people to ruin my joy. It can be hard, but I manage.

Oh I know this is an old complaint. Really is. I mean I just move along the path of all those sad people.

The ones who have no dreams. They left them at the mall with their credit cards. Told themselves it would all fine.

Well they lied. And naturally they lie about lying. I know I see it all the time. This is not a problem.

Just when the bore me with the details. Okay dull is not a crime. One doesn’t got to jail for being boring.

Wish that was the case. Oh man that would be great. I could get rid of so many problems that way.

Now the big concern is I don’t want them infecting me. That is where I really have reasons to be concern.

It could be very dangerous. Because the I would end up in big trouble. If I lose my personality I’m totally wiped out.

And that is what I will fight to avoid. Very much so.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Wine of dreams
fermented in transparency’s kegs,
to sip as tomorrow’s light,
as the sun of desires.

A potion brewed
and stored for any occasion,
one taste begins
that journey in the mind,
riding a canoe of thought
along a river in sensations,
reaching a shore
where a vineyard grows,
filled with grapes,
which are the harvest of intuition.

They are planted in soil
compose of the grains
gathered from hills in life.

It is place of self-identity
with a label on each vintage,
always rare and satisfying
when we let it ripen
under enough reflection.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


He sat anxiously
waiting the test results,
nurses murmuring speculations,
thinking unheard,
but his ears detected death,
heart failing in fear,
doctor standing over body
holding report
showing nothing wrong.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Nice sentiment, really. Would be great if it actually changed anything. I mean if doing what you were afraid of helped, then great.

Seems to me though that isn’t they case. I’m sorry, but just doesn’t happen from my experience.

I wish it did. I really wish that facing your fears worked like in the movies. But it doesn’t.

Sorry, not the way it happens in the real world. The bad guys don’t do what we want They don’t run and hide.

And exercising a little courage never ends in always resulting in victory. But that is they way the way you to think it will work.

I guess I can’t blame them. I mean there is a nice value in the inspiring of people. We really do have a perk here.

Essentially it will get people to do what they wouldn’t do otherwise. And that will always be a plus.

But the problem is that this will not mean they will end up always winning. Now that is the myth.

Of course there are the times when this isn’t about winning. It is about motivating people to do something more than sit on their butts.

If you can do that then you have really done something good. Because some action is better than none.

Well maybe not in every case. Some it is just a matter of manipulation. You want to have that person do things different.

Oh you do need the try and weave in those miracle. Yep make them think the impossible can happen.

That is when it all works out for the best. At least if you are the one doing the encouragement.

Then it isn’t you behind on the line. And that makes it nice and safe. You sure have to love that open.

Well have to say it works that way for me. Oh some times. Enough to say it is a good option.

Just try to not think of times that people end up wiped out by it. Too depressing.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


The parties all had stains on the invitations
those they told me were perfectly normal,
I tried to play their strange games,
even though I never did figured out who won.

Got so tired of watching all the couples
acting as if peculiar was romantic
while thinking I was odd because it didn’t make sense,
feeling awkward and alone,
kept wondering why I was always different.

Just continued to attend the celebrations
so bored from the antics,
which seemed to stupid
that everyone swore were entertainment.

Got so tried from the insanity
as I listened to those who said it was all good,
wondering if there was something wrong with me,
slowly becoming so depressed
from wearing silly hats that never fit
and pretending it was all okay.

Then came to one big bash
ended up in the corner,
next to a gal who looked so bored
who others claimed was truly bizarre,
suddenly we found reasons to talk
since no one else wanted our company.

In the night of confusion and chaos
we left to have jubilee,
it felt go good and made us thrilled
because for once
unusual felt so natural,
our hearts finding special ways
to have a festival
with love as the host.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The parties all had stains on the invitations
those they told me were perfectly normal,
I tried to play their strange games,
even though I never did figured out who won.

Got so tired of watching all the couples
acting as if peculiar was romantic
while thinking I was odd because it didn’t make sense,
feeling awkward and alone,
kept wondering why I was always different.

Just continued to attend the celebrations
so bored from the antics,
which seemed to stupid
that everyone swore were entertainment.

Got so tried from the insanity
as I listened to those who said it was all good,
wondering if there was something wrong with me,
slowly becoming so depressed
from wearing silly hats that never fit
and pretending it was all okay.

Then came to one big bash
ended up in the corner,
next to a gal who looked so bored
who others claimed was truly bizarre,
suddenly we found reasons to talk
since no one else wanted our company.

In the night of confusion and chaos
we left to have jubilee,
it felt go good and made us thrilled
because for once
unusual felt so natural,
our hearts finding special ways
to have a festival
with love as the host.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


If today the world stopped having dollar signs
it would truly be chaos at first,
no more paychecks,
and banks closed,
work gone and business discontinued.

Unless we all just agreed
plastic still was good,
then debit and credit cards
would keep things humming along,
absent vending machines and pay phones
or any place that only accepts cash.

Still assuming that fantasy failed,
there would be no debts,
forget the creditors and salesmen,
all you got would be used for trade,
barter the only option.

Aware everyone else is in same situation,
can imagine some sharing of goods in stores
might be a major option
since even the police aren’t likely
to keep serving for free.

Be a time to start over
finding friends to create survival camps,
while figuring out one solution at a time.

Adjusting to a reality totally insane
that you make rationale
with creativity and a whole lot of luck.

Monday, April 13, 2009


With servings this is a good option. With people it can suck. Unless you are happy with that option.

I am grateful for the way life has changed. Attitudes about being single are different than they one were.

Now the problem is getting others to appreciate how this is truly a blessing. Some have strange ideas on this.

There was a time when naturally being single implied not having sex. Why is anybody’s guess, but it never worked.

So people played games. And it was all so darn stupid. Well you can be sure it didn’t work either.

And this lead some to the silly concept of deciding getting married was the best option. Only they did it out of pressure.

Oh there was all the ramblings about this was love. And I will admit people tried to make it work.

Course the problem is that nobody was serious about it. Well I should say most didn’t seem to be.

So that is where I felt a nice gap between truth and fiction needed a bridge. Some place of reason to have it all make sense

Sure was a noble concept. I will applaud those who tried. And will really celebrate how it all worked out so good.

Well at least to some degree. Only it did not quite work to the degree of success some wanted.

So they lied. Yep, did the old denial trick. And really does work when you don’t think about it too hard.

But it all end up a joke. Well in my view it did. Because nobody ever likes to accept this all sucks.

So it ends up some stupid game that makes no sense. And then it becomes a matter of not screaming.

Which happens to be the most joyous part. Yep, a time you just have to savor as an occasions to ignore reason.

Do it right and you win. Or can lie about it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Truth is a minx,
a cunning creature who hides her secrets,
always a sentinel over her offspring,
stalking minds as prey
to let her fangs bite with intensity,
until their wounds create brilliant lights.

Her siren stealth purrs in power
when hunting those who she would
capture and possess.

Always so sleek and skillful
at not revealing her lair,
making sure she leaves so many trails
so those she doesn’t find appealing
wander away and forever are lost.

She takes lovers by the score,
leaving the scars of honesty
from their intimacy.

Ageless and tireless
nothing can satisfy her appetite
like victims she can totally devour,
they don’t recover from the attack
ever after seeing the world
through her eyes.

For she shields the earth and mortals
from the jackals of deception,
making sure sooner or later
their tracks are exposed.

One night in her arms
will change anyone for life
nobody who is taken to her cave
ever returns home.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


At home savoring dinner
your new neighborhood dinner,
she fixes meat so great,
really enjoyed dessert in her bed.

Then the cops arrive,
arresting her as cannibal,
before you start to upchuck
detective comes to door,
not only is she a butcher,
but was your uncle
before sex change operation.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Ah I tell you this is one thing that you can’t go wrong with. A chance to sell something for a profit.

And even if what you are getting rid of is crap then it is a bigger plus. Yep just another facet of happy.

Now what I always love is when this comes at a time you are just fed up with something. Just want to get rid of it.

Oh that is when you can smile the most. Really an added plus to the day and maybe even your life.

Some don’t see it that way. They will only look for a reason to sell when there is no choice.

I’m speaking of those who don’t sell things for a living. The ones who normally buy and then get into the mood to dump the crap the bought.

Yep that is called desperate. Because they will do that just to make enough to buy more crap.

So the motive is less that to make money. It is more about getting rid of stuff and that make them anxious.

Naturally they don’t ever do well with their yard sales or putting an ad in some local paper. Just get a few bucks.

See with me this is a matter of art. I’m not just looking to make money I want pure profit.

Oh that is just one of those deals that some will never agree to make their priority and that is sad. I don’t prefer that option.

So naturally this will never end with any definable options that can end up with joy. Not to me.

In a way you just have to love it all. Yeah I know I do. And maybe that will be the time I can look at with happiness.

But I won’t admit it. Not while I am trying to make a sale. I want them to think I will give them a bargain.

Right up to the point they find out I over charged them. Well at least much later. Than what some would expect.

That is the joy I like.

Thursday, April 09, 2009


D H is a pro at everything,
doesn’t matter the subject
he’ll share his wisdom,
keep on prattling in conviction
even if you leave.

Sure can tell you how to make money,
been living on investments for years,
course they are for a disability
when he had that accident on the job
thought he knew how to use that machine
without ever reading the instructions.

Ever vigilant to watch the news
just to see how often they are wrong,
never believes those reports
about some product being faulty,
buys it just to show they lied,
the fact they don’t work
is just a coincidence.

For he is the modern enlightened man,
a pool of brilliance
in a swamp of ignorance,
perfect and never makes mistakes,
all those times things messed up
were just accidents and acts of God.

So proud he never has to read instructions
or ask for any kind of directions,
might have plenty of assembly kits
still only partly done
and be late to places he’s never been,
but always wears his head phones
in order to not be bothered
by anyone telling him about tips,
swearing he always knew.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Yep, you know this is my joy. Always love when I have the chance to leave them confused in a good way.

Really nothing makes the world better than to add a little mystery to life. Just give that hint of oddity.

Life is so dull otherwise. And then you know too many people make it more that way. So we need this joy.

And even if it is all fake you have to love it. Well true you don’t have to, but it does help.

Now some will naturally see this as a joke. They will get all upset if things don’t make sense.

They are the ones you have to work harder on not boring. Because well they are bored to start with.

And the big risk is not to let them infect you. I have seen it and let me tell you that is not a pretty sight.

I have to work very hard to make this other than a chance for me to end up dull. Trust me that is a big concern.

I face that risk in life. And really does concern me. Oh yeah I don’t need that to be hanging over my head.

When you live where monotony is like some kind of religion this is a big concern. Yeah I don’t need to join that group.

Too much danger in it. Just prefer to like stay where I can keep from such dangers. And it is hard.

What can I do when in my town dull is almost a religion. Discount nights at the buffet are considered as entertainment.

Oh we do have clubs too. But most are well really yawners. Nothing you can really call thrilling.

Not that I have anything against things like stamp collecting or nature walks. That is fine, but don’t think I’m thrilled either.

Well that goodness I am able to avoid the perils of such things. I just find ways to confuse so I don’t end up in trouble.

Even works enough I don’t have to lie about it.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Well with the right object this is good. Not very good for money. Paper that is soggy just won’t work too well.

But the idea works well in other areas. Now if you are dealing with somebody who is dry and has a cold heart this can help.

A little water on their life may get results. Only be sure you aren’t the one that is paying for it.

Well that is my philosophy. Yep I love to add moisture to people, but they really need to be thirsty.

Somebody who just went swimming isn’t going to need that help. He will be looking for a towel.

Oh you might get him to accept a wet one. But more likely he will want a dry one. So you give it to him.

Now I have tried to apply this to people who I call half baked. They got brains that don’t work right.

Honestly there are a lot of them out there. A great many. More than you could ever imagine.

And I sure do like to make that work. And when I do I am so happy. Well providing it will do what I want.

Which is to be able to get them to all do what I want. And that takes time. Just wish it didn’t.

Oh well that is the part of life that is so exciting. Well to some degrees. Maybe not all the ways we like.

But that is okay, I do find plenty of times when this will really a benefit. And that is when I get what I want.

Really is the part that matters. Well does to me. And let me tell you that will be the priority not all well admit.

So I prefer to make it work. And I do. Just for me. All those moist deals that really get what I want.

Which is to have myself swimming in the joy of my success. Lots of green paper to line my pool.

It is to dream.

Monday, April 06, 2009


Well lots of words come to people’s mind when you say tender. Generally something soft and gentle.

And that is a good option if you are talking something like pets or the way you want to be treated by certain people. Course tender is also the way I want my voters.

I want them to have brains that are very easy to control. Not the type who ask to many questions.

I want them to be so easy and calm about my leadership they don’t get hard at all. Sure makes a different.

Oh maybe not to some. But sure does to me. I mean really it is something that just makes life work better.

Now the problem is that reality is not cooperative. There are just too many who do not want to make this a choice.

So that means you have to lie to them. More than usual. Not just your ordinary lies you have to make them believable.

Sure can be such a pain. I mean that is a lot of extra work in order to get votes. That sure not my joy.

About the only part that I really enjoy is when I can do this with a speech. Those really help.

You can be all emotional and wave the flag. Use all those words that inspire and people will get excited.

This is call putting on a show. And I love it. Nothing is more fun than making people think you care.

Get this in the arena of possible patriotism and it is magic. That will really get them all thrilled and happy.

Course the hard part is after all that hand shaking to be invisible. Always in some meeting.

Do that and then you can make sure you send out form letters later. The type that express regrets.

And then people can be so happy thinking you actually did them some good. And maybe not find out it was just a tenderizer.
Course you have to hope that they never find out about that part.

Sunday, April 05, 2009


Now the term tools can apply to many things other than the usual things such as hammers and screwdrivers. It is anything you use to build whatever.

As I politician my voice is a tool. I use it to build dreams and hopes. To erect visions where people are inclined to see only despair.

I didn’t say what I built was true. That is a whole different issue. And the good thing for me is that there is no building inspector.

This is the part you can be sure I truly feel the most grateful to have in my system. I don’t even need my plans approved.

All I have to do is be sure that the person I hammer my ideas on is willing to accept I know what I’m talking about. That is the tricky part.

Well the good thing is with all the practice I’ve had this is easy. Yeah these days I even have nice prefab section of promises.

Just have to dig out those blue prints and even show off my references. Course the reference list has to be updated.

Generally you know what happens is that the person ends up after a few months with the building being condemned. Yep that sucks.

But what can I say? I mean I know it sucks. However the problem is that so many would be homeless without it.

Okay that might sound a bit extreme, but you know it really is true. I hate to paint it that way, but realtors of the mind keep the best land for themselves.

So what I do is to be sure that I take time to give everyone a reason to think they can homestead life. Have some shack on the land.

And that is what some will always love the option as long as they can find a piece of rock that they like. And that is my goal to make them like the right kind.

Now the problem is that not everyone will accept what I like. So that is when I need the tools.

So now I am moving on to help all those poor unfortunate souls who yet to find what they need in terms of real estate. Which is what I tell them.

Flash that saw and they will be yours forever. And that will be the part that really counts. At least when I can make it work.

Which is when it all sells for the tools I have. Even if they are just in my head.

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Well there is all kinds of demise in the world. Some worse than others. Not all of it is really a disaster.

Nor does it always end up fatal either. Oh you have those who will think so. But nobody as a rule dies from embarrassment.

Oh they might think so, but they don’t. And you can be sure they are not going to improve with any help.

Still you can truly pass on some misery that will say ruin their hopes. Not always what you want to do, but sometimes it is important.

In any case I do move on. Well maybe not with the kind of expectations of some. They will only want to bury the bodies first.

Like there is a shame in wiping out somebody’s reputation. But some have this silly idea that you can’t you know do it and boast.

They want to be a lion with a lamb’s image. Me, I prefer to savor the kill. I want all those others to know I won.

So let the others play that no me game. That is where you are like saying, hey that knife in the person’s back wasn’t my fault.

Sure it wasn’t. And those blood stains on the ground by your feet are imaginary too. Yep, you can be sure of that.

So how do we improve it? Oh there are ways. Really there are times we just have to accept there needs to be wounded.

Ah, come on be proud. Really it is no big deal. Just take the time to do this all the occasions where it is needed.

Now who defines it? Well that depends on whether you want to call it fun or not. See weave that in there and it really matters.

But then that is me. And I do that so often for other reason. Yeah come on and be proud. This is hard work.

Does it mean it will always be a good thing? Well some won’t think so. They will be less than happy.

You just have to let have to let them feel the joy. And that comes when they do the work they want by your standards.

Well in theory at least.

Friday, April 03, 2009


Well I never take any one person’s idea for what is fun. Because that would be insane where I live.

Not that some don’t have a good idea. But just not the kind that I see as inspired. Nope that is what really matter.

I guess I come back to this theme in one form or another many times. Probably because it comes up so often.

It might not if fun was that easy to find. Sorry, but those people who love to call any lame idea fun have problems.

And if dull works for them all the better. It just doesn’t work for me. But I think what is important here is to give this whole process new thought.

That is how I define it. Some will not agree. They want to have a chance to depend on the usual.

Fine I don’t mind I suppose. Just spare me the details. I’m sorry that will never be the one thing that will make my list of choices.

I really think we need some different thinking on that part. And the sooner the better. Let’s just pull together and make it all a big party.

I do so hope that I can help to bring some hope to others in the process. The world is full of those in need.

And they do so require guidance. So come on let’s help guide them from the bingo parlors to the bars.

Yep I can find that a worthwhile project. Really will make it a crusade. And naturally all the damsels in distress will get my vote.

Now the big problem is that you can never be sure when this will happen. I mean some need more inspiration than others.

So how does one accomplish this in a reasonable way? Ah that is the part we need to discuss.

I’m tolerant here and flexible. As long as you are not going to stuff milk in my face as my only option.

Ah well this is the philosophy of your uncle Rash. Now forth and be happy. Come on do it big time.

Then you can come to me when you need bail money.

Thursday, April 02, 2009


This can be a blessing in the right situation. If you are talking people who are reasonable and cooperative.

Let it be somebody who is nuts and well forget it. I know plenty like that. Wish I didn’t though.

Really is not the joy you want in life. Lot of things do fall under that category. Not the fun I want.

And I have an idea others will agree. Yep, you can be sure there are few out there that prefer sanity.

Now the problem is that it will not be any better with time. I don’t care how much you have hope from some forget it.

You just have to be willing to allow for the fact that some people just are not able to improve. And that is part of what matters.

See I think too many people are prone to cling to some silly notion you can improve everyone. A nice theory.

And in life you can be sure that sure this does happen a lot. Yep there are plenty of occasions when insanity is deceiving.

Will the real joy is when it does work. And that is the times you can really get excited about.

Because they are times of hope. And that is the times I truly get to enjoy when it all happens for the best.

However, the down side on this is really the pits. Those occasions when it all just fools you.

Now those are the moments you can really get so frustrated over. They just down right suck.

Here you have some one that you think with the right effort will be a star and they end up a slug. One you can’t train.

Now those are the ones you just have to accept are not going to be useful. Oh you can hope, but won’t happen.

In the process I do enjoy when I can avoid these moments. Yep those are a source of happiness.
You sit back and say, “got out of that one.”

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Well we all understand the need to be dressed. And to want it to be in a way that has some class.

Now the problem is the difference between desire to look good and what the pocket book can handle. Unless you are rich.

Which most aren’t. So most of us end up finding ways to make it work. Ways that will impress.

Oh you do get that odd person. The one who doesn’t care. They gave up on the need at some point.

Which is rather easy to understand. Maybe not the way we want it to be. But sure is nice when it happens in a way.

At least in theory. I mean it is great when affords you some options. Dress is just a symbol for other things.

Which I what I try to remember. And the times I can accommodate a person’s need for a better wardrobe that is nice.

Now the problem is some have this wrong idea of what being wheel dressed involved. So that is the part that really does count.

And that is what I do work on so much. Yep, to make it so all will feel so good about how they look.

Even if they really don’t look that great. It is about dressing the mind in a way that really does help.

Which can be hard at times. Some will really not be able to accept this option. Oh they will have plenty of reasons.

Course most of the time it involves something else. And that is the part you have to understand.

See this is where fashion sense must prevail. And that is in terms of knowing what really is an issue you have to deal with.

Now that is where I work with some to encourage. Course you have to sort of stretch the truth.

And to do it in a way that really become convincing. Now that is all for the purpose of making it all impressive.

Then the person will feel a debt to you. Can you say bingo?