Thursday, April 02, 2009


This can be a blessing in the right situation. If you are talking people who are reasonable and cooperative.

Let it be somebody who is nuts and well forget it. I know plenty like that. Wish I didn’t though.

Really is not the joy you want in life. Lot of things do fall under that category. Not the fun I want.

And I have an idea others will agree. Yep, you can be sure there are few out there that prefer sanity.

Now the problem is that it will not be any better with time. I don’t care how much you have hope from some forget it.

You just have to be willing to allow for the fact that some people just are not able to improve. And that is part of what matters.

See I think too many people are prone to cling to some silly notion you can improve everyone. A nice theory.

And in life you can be sure that sure this does happen a lot. Yep there are plenty of occasions when insanity is deceiving.

Will the real joy is when it does work. And that is the times you can really get excited about.

Because they are times of hope. And that is the times I truly get to enjoy when it all happens for the best.

However, the down side on this is really the pits. Those occasions when it all just fools you.

Now those are the moments you can really get so frustrated over. They just down right suck.

Here you have some one that you think with the right effort will be a star and they end up a slug. One you can’t train.

Now those are the ones you just have to accept are not going to be useful. Oh you can hope, but won’t happen.

In the process I do enjoy when I can avoid these moments. Yep those are a source of happiness.
You sit back and say, “got out of that one.”


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