Friday, April 24, 2009


Well nothing can make you more nuts that those times when you feel like your nerves are shot. Totally frayed.

As if you can’t handle one more pressure or problem. And that is when naturally things will happen.

It is as if there is some kind of special curse on such situations. A cosmic force that works to ruin your day.

Oh it happens at other times. But it is not the same as when you are for example in a position to really stress.

Those are the times you just need the break the most. Which will not happen. Then you become a magnet.

That is when every person who can truly drive you over the edge will come for a visit. And they will be sure they do the things to make it worse.

Not that they do it on purpose. Oh they might not claim it was on purpose, but they sure will make the right choices.

Those guaranteed to make you want to strangle somebody or act totally nuts. Which you will.

Unfortunately there is only one realistic solution to this situation. It might not be the one you like, but no choice.

This is when you dump the problem on somebody else. Since that pain in the butt over to somebody else to give them grief.

That might not seem like a good choice, but you do have to do it. Unless you plan on staying nuts.

That is not the best choice. Nope unless you prefer to retire and live in a padded room. Might be nice, but so boring.

Course most of the time the person doesn’t leave willingly. Nope they will find some reason to avoid leaving.

Bribes can work at times. Not always. That is the part that has to be worked out. A little way of politely getting them to leave.

To accomplish this is often a matter of finding the right motivation. A way to probe into a mind and make them see the light.

Which is a bar light if you are lucky.


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