Friday, April 03, 2009


Well I never take any one person’s idea for what is fun. Because that would be insane where I live.

Not that some don’t have a good idea. But just not the kind that I see as inspired. Nope that is what really matter.

I guess I come back to this theme in one form or another many times. Probably because it comes up so often.

It might not if fun was that easy to find. Sorry, but those people who love to call any lame idea fun have problems.

And if dull works for them all the better. It just doesn’t work for me. But I think what is important here is to give this whole process new thought.

That is how I define it. Some will not agree. They want to have a chance to depend on the usual.

Fine I don’t mind I suppose. Just spare me the details. I’m sorry that will never be the one thing that will make my list of choices.

I really think we need some different thinking on that part. And the sooner the better. Let’s just pull together and make it all a big party.

I do so hope that I can help to bring some hope to others in the process. The world is full of those in need.

And they do so require guidance. So come on let’s help guide them from the bingo parlors to the bars.

Yep I can find that a worthwhile project. Really will make it a crusade. And naturally all the damsels in distress will get my vote.

Now the big problem is that you can never be sure when this will happen. I mean some need more inspiration than others.

So how does one accomplish this in a reasonable way? Ah that is the part we need to discuss.

I’m tolerant here and flexible. As long as you are not going to stuff milk in my face as my only option.

Ah well this is the philosophy of your uncle Rash. Now forth and be happy. Come on do it big time.

Then you can come to me when you need bail money.


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