Sunday, August 03, 2008


Ah the succulent servings of hope. The maps for the mind that tell you how to get to some perfect place.

Most are fantasies naturally. Pure products of imagination. Nothing that will likely lead to happiness, but sure sounds great.

Some might take issue I suppose with the merits of these stories. And I couldn't blame them.

However, this is a quest in life. To find rainbows somewhere. Even if there are no clouds and it hasn't rained in years, we want our rainbows.

So naturally this become part of my job. And so many others too. We peddle the places we want to belief are real.

Okay so there is no Eden any more. And well heaven is out there, but last time I check it wasn't on any map you could buy.

So that means inventing ones we hope will work. Finding plenty of fairy tales with happy endings to offer.

And you definitely can't forget the happy endings. Yep, that is very important. Nobody wants ice cream and to be told one bite will kill you.

Nope, not on the list of options here. People will not accept that option. They will complain, get upset and do other than smile about it.

So it becomes necessary and essential for somebody to take the time to make this happen. And who better than a politician?

Oh perhaps a car salesman or lawyer can fit in there two , but what the heck what fun would life be otherwise? Did I hear some rambling about the truth?

Okay who is the weird one? There is always one in the bunch. Some nut who thinks honesty is important.

Where do these clowns come from? I sure didn't get them any pointers. And let me ask you since when is the truth fun?

Come on let's be fair about this, the truth can really bite at times. Be downright boring ro painful.

Which is not a good option if you are wanting to sell paradise. Well maybe not a real paradise, but a sort of one.
It all comes down to if you want happiness with lies or misery with truth. I thought so.


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