Monday, July 28, 2008


Well can't resist this at times. Those occasions of visiting some place different, even weird.

And doing it unwillingly. Not because anyone said to, just because you want to. Which makes it all the more fun.

Now the problem is making sure strange doesn't mean a doorway to like hell. That is when you do have to be concerned.

Because they don't quite put that on the door either. It is more like, hey come in and well talk.

Then you open the door and it is too late. That is not the time to find out it was a trap. Not the best choice at all.

So the preference is to be sure it is safe first. To check it out and determine if this is an option that will truly lead to success.

And let me tell you that is a big issue with me. I mean honestly have the time to digest your options and make the right choice.

One does have to be careful though. Fear can really ruin the moment. Oh not fear of consequences.

When you get down to it the issue is fear of being caught. The courage of pure lusts will normally win out over one's apprehensions about the strange.

As long as we don't have to fear the consequences. Just a hint or real risk is enough to make a person think twice.

Now the best part is when you can find some moron to lure through the door first. That is a pure joy.

Takes a bit of work. Being convincing that it is safe. Making sure they don't panic in case there are any screams coming from inside.

Just an extra bit of encouragement. It does help if they are truly gullible. Then you don't have to work quite as hard at the process.

And the best part is if they actually survive. Now that is a good feeling. You just sit back and feel better.

Oh not about them surviving. More about the fact that it is safe for you. And that does give person reason to feel good.

Providing they weren't lying when they went through the door.


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