Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Now you might not think this makes sense. But I love it. I really find it so wonderful when you leave a jerk in tears.

What else could it mean? Awww, now you know I have to go there. Yeah, it is so marvelous.

And I don't wish to hear any of this whining. I just am tired of that silliness. Yep, now I am just being honest.

Come on even if it sounds tacky the one thing we can appreciate is that we all deep down love it when we see a villain bite the dust. Oh maybe we like to pretend that isn't true, but behind the lies we are ready to cheer.

And I think that is a good thing. Such a sweet and thoughtful option. Yep, you can't place a price tag on that kind of joy.

At least I can't. I prefer to savor those special moments. Just make them part of scrapbook in memories.

One you fill with snap shots from each glorious moment somebody falls down and can't get up. And should it include pain, all the better.

I will admit that there are a few who probably will say there are reasons to avoid this attitude. They are welcome to that option.

As for me, well I prefer honesty. Maybe not in all things, but this sure works for me. So I love to see it happen.

So I guess the key is to be sure nobody can tell you are cheering. That cuts down on the likelihood of them getting upset.

This is a time for the old dodge. Where you lie about why you are smiling. Yep, there are all kinds of ways to do that.

And if you work it right then you can get them to smile too. Oh they may claim it isn't why they are smiling, but sometimes you can tell otherwise.

Which is win you have a real victory. Having won over a convert can be so satisfying. And for that I am always happy

Course the victory can be hard to claim. You have to sort of pretend. A wink is part of the game.

Just can't always admit to it. And that is okay. Because the other person's eyes often tell the real story.


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