Friday, July 25, 2008


This is very sound advice. If you live in a swamp or sewer you better make sure the waters don't have something toxic in them.

Now the difficulty is that you can't always be sure on if the water is polluted. It might even come in some bottle.

So you assume it is good. But later you find out when you get sick that it was bad. I mean really bad.

Now I am of course speaking of more than water. I'm talking about the issue of what flows from people's mouths.

Yeah the raindrops of promise, lies and general deceptions. If the person is skilled enough and has some kind of filter, oh man does it seem to taste so good.

But later it really is something that is other than tasty. It just totally leaves you with a bitter taste in your mouth.

And that is not a flavor most people really savor. Nope you can be sure they will not swallow it willingly.

So you can advertise that you are offering them something bad. Nope you can be sure that doesn't help.

And from my view I do have to admit that I have done my share of bottling water. And some of it I will admit is not that pure.

But then you know I had no choice. Well okay, I guess that I need to move on here. Which is to say I have sort of follow this one point of confession.

Mainly to say that I will accept that this is part of the way I have to do things. Not going to apologize for my, er, watering techniques.

I mean can I help if it people need to drink. And they don't really care when it comes from as long as it is wet?

See that is the problem with this. You have to be sure you remember refreshment is the issue.

Now some forget that. They think that the issue is quenching one's thirst is what counts. But it isn't.

So you know you have to be sure you take the sip as instructed. Otherwise you can't complain if you get sick.

See even bad water is useful if you just lie to yourself enough first. On that I rest my case, of er, water.


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