Monday, January 28, 2008


Boy there is sure a great deal of truth with this one. What you don't know is always a problem.

It can really snarl you insides with problems. That is when it turns out to be unexpected. Like finding out your one night stand is expecting.

Not something I like to find out. And that is a discovery I don't wish to have come up very often.

Of that you can be certain. Yep, I do really try to avoid such situations. They really suck.

If only I could get others to appreciate that reality. Just so very hard at times. Mainly because you know there are too many who seem to delete on adding grief.

I should probably say it is more that there are way too many who like to avoid pain. So they want to dump it on you.

Which I do applaud for their creativity, but not for the way it kicks my butt. This mainly happens with things like my employees.

They find out about some time bomb and decide to share it with me. Oh yes this is such a joy.

Normally this is a very big deal at work. For those are the ones that so often try to be sure I get the headaches they don't want.

Like I need this? Hey, I'm the Mayor, I should give problems not get them. You know headache shouldn't mean I have them at the top.

They should fall upon the lower folks. I hate to be cruel, but I consider that to be my right.

I just wish there was a way to convince others of this reality. But there isn't. Maybe with more practice I can train my help to improve.

But so far that hasn't happened. I'm still hopeful though. A chance to impress upon them the need to do more than sit back and say, I'm sorry.

This sucks when they dump a crisis in my lap and give me those puppy dog stares. Like that really improves the situation.

It never does though. And it only adds to my grief. But with practice I know I can give them the type of inspiration to improve. Or perhaps sent them off to add to somebody's problems. Which is very nice too.


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