Monday, January 14, 2008


Can everyone answer this easy? I doubt it. At least I don't think so when I talk to some people.

Their words are about as clear as fog. Honestly they don't have a clue on the reality of their abilities.

Either they think they are god or some scum of the earth that is worthy only of being squished. And both choices really suck.

Thank goodness there are not too many devil wanna bes out there. I'm grateful they are silent most of the time.

So I'm thrilled I only have to deal for the most part with the ones that you would enjoy pushing off a cliff or the ones you will rather they found some esteem to keep them from the need to always be prostrate when answering questions.

This is not a good thing in ether case. And let me tell you I would give anything to be able to just deal with sane people.

Like that will ever happen in life. So I content with the insanity and do my best to savor when I can turn it to my advantage.

Which happens when I get creative enough. A simple process whereby I find the one point of calm that gets the nuts to be less nutty.

This is a hard process at times. People can be so unpredictable. They just drive you insane with their insanity and that is not a good thing.

So in order to survive I follow a simple path of me first. Yep, abuse the sheep and slaughter the wolves.

Notice I did not say slaughter the sheep. With the right kind of training they can be reasonable pets.

Plus if you let them replicate then you have a steady supply of them for future needs. Let the flock spread baby.

As for the wolves. Well if you can't kill them you be sure you castrate them. Otherwise they end up molesting the sheep and you might get some mutant offspring.

Those are even a bigger concern because you have no way of knowing how they will turn out. And there is nothing more annoying than a sheep who thinks they are a wolf.

Best of be sure you turn any suspects into stew. Beside sheep are so good at multiplying so you know they will easily be replaced.


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