Sunday, January 13, 2008


Now this is one concept that is worth cherishing. The idea of making something the way you want it.

And being able to do it in a way that doesn't lead to being accused of counterfeiting. Really not the option that give you a reason to celebrate.

Still we do love to stamp our image on the creations of our minds. And even better when something is ends up being accepted by others.

For then we can feel like artists instead of conmen. You know as if there is something noble in it all.

But the problem is not everyone enjoys our artwork. Heck they may even claim we stole it from somewhere else.

This will not end up with smiles. And let me tell you I'm not thrilled to end up in that experience.

But you know there are ways to avoid that crisis. Basically the old dodge technique. Yes, you stick the blame on somebody else.

Okay, nothing new on that part. But why mess with something that works. Yep, the old time honored traditions often are the best.

I know I never veer from the ways that prove to be so helpful. And the amazing thing is how often others don't even notice when you have made them bend over.

That is because they are too busy looking for that shining bauble you claimed was lying on the ground. Of course it really is not there.

But they will look anyway. And that is the most important part. Yeah, I love when in the end they are left feeling stupid.

Plus they can't be upset with you since they never realize you were conning them. They think that bauble is real.

You just act shocked, like huh? Gosh, I'm sorry, I could have sworn it was really there. Why don't you take another peek?

And you know what? They will. In fact they will do it several times if you talk to them right.

The whole time they are having their pockets picked. Plus they might even say thank you. I feel a little guilty on that part at times. But it soon I get over it. After all, guilt is something you can soothe with greed. Rash's rules.


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