Friday, January 11, 2008


Well there is certainly a desire in life to find this option. And man wouldn't it be so fabulous if it came about all the time.

But I think at times this is like too many things, more a dream than reality. Not that I enjoy seeing it that way.

I will always wish everything in life was easy. Heck I would be glad to let it be true even for the people I hate.

I could be that generous. As long as the easy part didn't give me any grief. Just being honest on that part.

Not sure why easy can be easier to find at times. Honestly, I think most of us are lazy enough to work hard and not working hard.

So why is this so much of a problem to find? Well I think most of the time it is because we are too concern making life easy will be too much work.

Oh I imagine we would be thrilled if we could make this happen without any effort. Heck there would be a waiting list for such opportunities.

But then since it also means somebody would probably have to be the first to accomplish this I think it might not happen. I know if somebody else volunteers, I'll be there for a hand out.

So I imagine we won't expect such miracles to happen any times soon. Unless we can win the lottery or find some sucker to give us this freedom.

Which does I think help point to the core element in this situation. It is a matter of freedom.

With the emphasis here on the right to be a lazy slug without somebody trying to make you feel guilty. I always hate that part.

Honestly that really does suck. I mean why can't I be a greedy loafer and not feel good about it?

It is like it is some kind of a crime. And let me tell you I'm not happy with that label. I can't say I honestly care about the other person's opinion that much.

But I do care that it might influence the free crap I get. People can be so unreasonable in that regard.

So you have to pretend you are not lazy. Lying can be such hard work too. Which is another problem at times. One I try not to think about.


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