Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Boy is this a silly idea. Like it is really going to happen. I hate to be you know so negative on this, but since when does the idea of truth and sales people go together?

And most of time you borrow money to buy something, either directly or indirectly. So sooner or later you will most likely deal with some sales person.

Which all comes down to the basic reality that somebody is going to lie eventually. A nice cheery thought to be sure.

At least I brace myself for such realities. Honestly, I figure if I go in knowing I'm going to be lied to and ripped off I won't get upset.

I just wish I really was able to not get upset. But since I spend so much time lying to others it makes it tough to ignore.

So instead of being able to completely ignore it I just lie back. Does it make since or end up with me being better off? Not really.

Still I feel better for trying. Maybe not enough to enjoy the reaming I get, but enough so I can tell myself it was all worth the cost of interests.

The way I cope is mainly knowing I can figure a way to screw somebody else. Kind of backwards sort of revenge.

Yeah, you take it on the chin and then do the same to somebody else. Course it wasn't there fault, but it is to me the principle of getting even.

Okay I have to fudge on the getting even just a tad. I don't get even with the person who reamed me out, but somebody gets some grief.

Now it might not seem like a good philosophy to some, but it is better than pretending. Which is not what I prefer to do.

This is just a case of being objective. Which comes down to making sure you don't let yourself be unhappy.

And that means simply, finding a way to stop grumbling. What better way to accomplish it than by taking the time to hate yourself.

So instead you hate somebody else. So much more fun that way. Just a smile or two for bringing everyone a reason to feel more than grumpy.

Course somebody will end up losing. But we can work out those details later. As in never. Always a nice diversion from the options of sitting with the paper in your hand and screaming, why, why?


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