Saturday, January 12, 2008


Yep, yep, long time since is such a good thing. When the since part is related to something you want there to be a long time from it happening.

Like dealing with people you would love to drive off a cliff. Or have befall some other catastrophe that you don't have to think of other than a good thing.

However, this is more a dream at times that reality. There are just too many occasions when you wish this was the case and it is not.

The long time since never stays a long time when you prefer it. Instead the long time comes back when you want it the least.

But the tricky part is not letting the long time have access to your life. Yeah, that is the challenge.

Changing phone numbers or moving helps. Maybe not very much, but it is a start. Only you can't exactly achieve this when you want.

Wish I could. Oh man this would sure cut down on the agony of unwanted reunions. If you could manage to do that at all.

Which is fine if you have that option. But again things never work out that way. Nope, however much luck it might be, it never work out that way.

I do remain hopeful though. That somehow we can manage to control the future. Or at least our part of it.

Truly this is a dream. Not even close to reality. Still, I keep think I can wave a wand and suddenly make it all better.

Just enough to give the unwanted a want to stay that way. I am very hopeful that I can achieve this.

Only I have to work at it. By lying naturally. Which includes plotting against my fellow man.

Maybe it isn't perfection or even noble, but it sure helps to bring smiles when it works. And why not?

After all life does give us a few twists we don't want. So why not take that to the extreme?

Come on let's have fun with this. Send the creeps packing by tossing them some crumbs that will lead them to somebody else.

Just a tid bit of good options for those unafraid to lie.


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