Thursday, January 10, 2008


Ah, there is something so special when you can say this about something. Really just the idea of such joy makes me want to drool.

But then it doesn't take much to do that. A nice young blonde will do that to me too. Providing it is a woman.

Money also can make me drool. When it is going into my pocket and not into somebody else's.

But then I don't wish to be so predictable on this either. There are others things that will make me feel they are nice.

Sunrise can be nice. Sunset for me are better, but sunrises can fit in there. I sort of have to imagine them though, never awake at that time.

Unless you know I have been up all night. Then it causes a problem. For I might not be able to see well enough to be sure it is really sunrise.

One has to make allowances naturally for such things. Which I do with a sort of sliding scale of thought.

Basically the focus is on nice. That is the most critical part. You keep that part straight and the rest falls in line, no problem.

And nice can be really nice if you have it worked out correctly. But naturally the key is emphasis on nice.

Which isn't that big of a problem if you keep focused. Which means keeping your idea of nice clear in your head.

Now what is your idea of nice might not be the same as mine. But that is okay. I don't mind.

You can have your version as long as you don't interfere with mine. Otherwise forget it. That is a big issue on my side.

And if you are willing to be flexible in that regard. For that really does makes things nice for me.

Which is how I intend to make it come out. That being the nice that I prefer. Course some might not agree.

But then I hardly worry about that part. I'm too busy enjoying my version of nice when I can find. That is pretty much all the time too.
As long as nobody asks to many questions.


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