Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Well, what can I say, there are times when what choice do you have? Yep, really we need this option.

A chance to say screw the rules and go for the insanity. Now that is a sweet moment. A chance to savor the times where you don't give in to pressure.

Now that is so joyful. Yep, what could be better than the times when joy is in a thought lacking any stress?

I guess I have said that enough ways at this point. But still merits being remembered. Why, well why not.

See to me the world is full of crap. And we all get stuck in it at times. Never enough to get us totally wiped out, just enough to make life other than joyful.

And the problem is that we can't enjoy any of it in any way. How can you feel good about what is crap?

You can't eat it or savor it. All you can do is try to get rid of it. Which to me is how we all spend most of our time.

That is to say, naturally, that life is mainly devoted with crappy activities instead of fun. Which is not a good thing.

I didn't consider it to be worthwhile. Just something I think we could benefit from accepting.

And that is what I do try to correct. Which is primarily through my own efforts to make it meaningful to me.

Now that might not be true for everyone, but I figure it is the best thing I can do. I consider it a blessing.

Well okay for me at least. But it is a start. And that is what counts from my view. Which naturally is the one that matters in the most.

Perhaps not to everyone. Just the ones where I keep score. Let me tell you that is very important.

I really do have so many reasons to embrace this as my choice. After all the way I see it somebody has to be a paragon of hope.

A role model that says we are not all going to slip on the crap. And some of us have a chance to get up and not keep being trapped by it. I submit myself to this cause, willingly and joyfully.


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