Monday, January 14, 2008


Now for me this would be a wonderful option providing the gone part had to do with something you wanted gone. If it is something you want to keep, well then you might not be smiling.

Like with baldness. Having hair that is gone for good is not a joy to me. I just wish it was hair that I wanted to get rid of as in nose hair.

I would even celebrate if that happened. But when it comes to the hair falling off my head, celebrating is not what I do.

Too bad hair is willing to listen to logic. I know I would appreciate it. And I imagine a lot of others would too.

So that translates into another gone you would prefer to not have gone. I do have a nice long list too.

What is said is all the stuff you wish would disappear and it hangs around. Such as pests. I'm speaking certain people.

There are way too many pest that insist upon being your pal. No hint or even a direct comment will get them to stop being a pest.

And you can be sure that is not my idea of a good I want to claim. I do plan on making this a tad opportune means to change things.

Now how do you get rid of pests? Well you sick pest on them. Yeah, there is nothing better to get a pest upset the having a pest visit them.

I really don't mind, but it has to be done in some cases. Really is so darn important to some degree.

But that is all part of the ever expanding claws of plotting. Hmmm, like that phrase. Really works good too.

Just have to find somebody more annoying than the one bugging you. Not always easy either.

Especially if you manage to attract some crazy person who has no equal. I seem to get my share of those.

And there is no cure. Except to be sure they don't get away with that any longer than is necessary.

But with enough endurance you can overcome those little pest. And if you work it right they will be gone for good. Or you will end up on drugs and in a nut house.


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