Friday, November 30, 2007


Might not seem like these two go together, but then I do pride myself on being able to see the possibilities in so many things that are unique. My take on this is feeling good when you have emptied another's pocketbook.

My ideal situation is when I succeed in first feeling good because I comforted some lady in a way that makes us both feel good. I have had to do my part to be careful that I don't make too many heated promises in the midst of some rather very intense comforting though.

I learned that too many of the ladies just could remember them even when I couldn't. The fun part is later, figuring out a way to pass on the cost to their husbands. After all if they were going their jobs, I wouldn't have to work so hard at comforting.

That only seems fair to me. And I am very happy when it in some way leaves them with an empty wallet and me with a full goodness on so many levels.

Which makes it all such a blessing. I call that the good life. Not that such is without a price. I just love getting to pass it on to others.

All of that can be so complicated at times. Just a hard routine to keep straight in my head.

To that end I am grateful I have a computer. It is so much easier to keep things organize with its help.

Providing I remember to hide the details where nobody else can read them. Made that mistake once and that was enough.

Let me tell you, leaving my computer file open when one of the ladies I had comforted came by my office unexpectedly. And my secretary let her into my office to wait while I was in the bathroom.

I can't say I was happy with her reaction when she saw my file. Oh, I know, she did handle seeing where I had comforted two of her neighbor ladies. And her son's teacher.

Those didn't seem to bother her too much. It was when she came across her mother's name that she got rather annoyed.

I was grateful she didn't get to see her daughter's name on the list. That could have really been embarrassing.

However, it is the little things that makes a person feel good. It all worked out for my good. At least based on my interpretation. That is the no harm, no foul rule.

Works miracles in such moments. And I have plenty of them.


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