Thursday, November 29, 2007


Ah, such a joy this is. I appreciate the more traditional idea related to this word. But then it really does go well with other things.

Supple to me means something that is ample, but in a very provocative way. You know that one can tell will really bring pleasure and you get excited about it.

Only to be honest, I'm not talking about the obvious. I'm speaking of things like one's wallet.

Bet you never expected that one. But it really does apply. Just think who couldn't get excited over the idea of a wallet bulging with cash.

Now if it happens to belong to somebody else and you are holding it even better. Then you don't mind spending it since you aren't going to lose anything.

That is one sweet option. And let me tell you that sure works for me. I practice it all the time.

It is called taxes. Bingo now you know where I'm going don't you. Oh yes that is exciting.

Course the big issue with that is you know making sure that you get this taken care of without you know, having to fork all the gain in expenses. Which can be tricky.

Because you know the people have a tendency to expect you to do something for them when you are collecting new taxes. That is weird huh?

And so often they won't take you word for it. They expect reports and accountability. Isn't that terrible?

Honestly it just sucks big time from my view. It is bad enough that I have to invent some excuse for sucking the tax payers dry just to cover up my graft, but then I have to also make sure I have a lie to make it all seem correct and justified.

I really hate that part. For me that really is such a pain. And it can be so exhausting, but that is so necessary I guess.

And if the whole stroke job works right then it is so supple to my life. Which is really great.

I just savor the moment and truly am filled joy form such efforts. Alas it doesn't happen all the time.

Wish it did, but even I have limitations to my moments of pure creativity in terms of making up crap.


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