Saturday, October 20, 2007


Oh yeah this is the epitome of thrills. A time full of confidence that doesn't translate into any real productivity.

Oh it looks great, but doesn't in any way change reality. That is not a fun thing when you look at the results.

But before things get messed up and reality takes over boy do you have fun. Oh the speeches that are inspired. Really does make for so much fun.

Only it never really turns out that successful, just for a while it is a great dream. A wonderful time can be hand in the process of visions.

That is when you have all kinds of parties to celebrate the impending victory. Now the big key word here is impending.

For it is so great to speak with positivism and hope. To be able to focus on the idea that we can overcome any crisis.

It just drills the mind and spirit with such energy. And oh how it feels so good to think life is going to improve.

All of this happens before you actually do any effort on the project or whatever routine you are facing. It really is just more seeing the end result.

The big problem as with most things is that we love the party and hate the bill. But you can't have the party without somebody picking up the tab.

That is the rule of life you have to accept. It is never quite the same as with the fun part. Unless you have success.

Then you have to cope with the joy of all that detail that demands attention. The detail is such a bugger.

Because facts never sleep and don't care about whether you are a nice person or have a good plan. They care about consequences.

And let me tell you that sucks when you are a dreamer. But what the heck it is all in fun. As long as you see it that way.

But if keep it in the proper perspective then great. Some love party so much they just think the chore will be the same way.

Big mistake. And if you keep that kind of view you are always going hate the bill. But then that is part of the joy. At least for me. I consider that to be entertainment. But I'm like that.


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