Friday, October 12, 2007



We have these in our city from time to time. A small little event to full of fun and excitement.

Well that is the way it is listed on the advertisement. Kind of like those blurbs they put on the boxes of kids toys. The ones about hours of fun.

Even though when you get down to using it there isn't anywhere near the many moments of joy. But who would buy something that was labeled, will bore you to death after ten minutes.

Nope that will never work. You can plan on it not being put on any box. A lot of thrilled packed advertising is like that.

Now when this carnival does come to town we do our best to play up the fun part. But it never actually ends up living up to the standards.

So we do what we can to survive. And in the process to make sure we don't get to many upset people in the process.

After all people are funny about when you tell them to expect happy from something. They get rather sensitive about looking forward to smiles and not come. That can really be such a pain.

Part of it comes I think from the fact that real life sucks. At least it does too often for some, not everyone.

Mainly the poor folks with limited resources. For those of us with more options, we can find a nice distraction to fill in the void.

But this doesn't help the poor person who isn't doing okay and can't afford otherwise. So they want all you can get as cheaply as possible.

And I can't blame them. I just do what I can to be sure that I can savor all that I can and try to pass on a little hope to others in the process.

That is the best option. We always cherish that process when we can. I even feel good with that happens. It doesn't happen all the time though.

Some times we goof up. And when we do that ends up making for lots of grumpy faces. Such is the nature of joy in such occasions.

All is the part of life that makes it so worthwhile. At least when you have a chance to smile and make another person smile in the process.

If by chance it ends with them helping line your pocket even better.


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