Monday, October 15, 2007


Ah, the sweet joy of battle. Providing you win. That makes all the difference for me. And you really have to respect how important it is in terms of competition.

See the problem is that while battle can be fun. Losing is not my idea of a good time. And I sure don't like the idea of being a good sport about losing. That doesn't work for me.

Nor does losing by following the rules work for me either. I'm sorry but the optimum word here is losing.

Which is why I always prefer to deal with my opponents by making sure I have a nice edge. Some little detail that will give me a reason to truly ruin their day.

Okay, if I work it right, I will ruin their life. Hey a perfect victory just makes me smile all the more.

And why would I complain either. Of course having opponents is necessary. I do need them for the illusion that I won fairly.

But that isn't something I like to pretend about or even risk. So I always prefer the joy of doing what I can to give myself the little edge in that regard.

Nothing obvious you understand. Just a little illusion that things are fair when in reality they are not.

Which is the fun part. I have to make this all into a game where others look at it and don't know I've cheated in some way.

Hey, to me winning is the most important part. And you can forget all that absurd stuff where it matters how you play the game.

True, it does matter, but only in terms of playing so you can win. Yeah that is a bit crazy, but so is life.

This is all part of my Limburger guide to practical living. That is what I call it. Others have different names for it I suppose.

But personally, they can take their own view all they way. As for myself, I'm moving on. Which means to the winners circle.

And you can be sure I'm not leaving if I don't have to. Bribes are always nice in that regard.

Which is a fun option. I never complain about taking them either. Providing I still get to win in the process.


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