Thursday, October 25, 2007


This is a good thing for those who like to have words said very slowly and clearly. They need some inspiration to clarify a given choice in specific instructions that are not the least bit complicated.

Yep, you have to spell it out precisely. No room for error or questions. Just moseying along with intentions and smiles. Feeling so happy that life makes sense.

Then you run into somebody who looks at your utopia and says, "I don't get it." They really are not encouraging. More like a major pain in the butt.

Which never makes life have a reason to smile. Oh man is that other than a joy. Because you can be sure it will not end up with them seeing that you have as smile after you sprain your brain trying to answer their stupid questions.

And in the end they won't change. They will drive you as bonkers as they are. But that will not improve your life.

About the only way to avoid such disasters is to not have to deal with such people. And that would be wonderful if it was possible.

Not likely though. People needing life spelled out for them dominate the world as far as I'm concerned. My opinion you understand.

Which is the one that counts in my view. Yeah, I can be very picky that way. I just happen to figure if you can't understand things without having it said at that level then perhaps you ought to do business elsewhere.

And I won't mind if you do keep that little ambition to decipher what I mean in moron as your own hobby. That will be a joy in my book.

But I doubt it will happen that way. People are just not as prone to feel so inclined to keep such practices in their own world.

Nope, it would be nice if they did, but they never do. Instead they insist upon wearing u out with them.

And that makes life less than inspiring from my point of view. Yep, I cherish the simple things like not having to answer questions that make you go huh?

It is the small little details like that at times which truly give life so many extra reasons to smile. Well it does for me.

In the meantime, we plod along in the joy of the day, happy to savor each little joy that comes my way. Even if I do have to sort of inspire others to be something other than a loon in the process.


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