Sunday, September 02, 2007


Well for anyone who knows the story of the Wizard of Oz, then naturally inspires a certain image. But let us take a moment to truly reflect on that story.

Basically, you got one lost young girl, in the company of a scarecrow who thinks he is an idiot, a tin man who is without any feelings and a lion who is afraid of his shadow. Essentially, four totally dysfunctional lives all trying to head for some place where they can get help.

Now has any of them actually met this guy before? Do they have any witnesses who can testify to the fact that he can do anything?

Course not. That would be too logical. Instead they all have this fantasy that their miserable broken lives are going to suddenly get fixed if they meet this guy.

So what they do is trot off to this city where the guy is rumored to hang out. Now do they bother to worry about things like money, employment, food, housing or transportation? Nope.

And they reach the city, get free public transportation, free this, free that and not once saying thank you. Now are they the least bit grateful for this kindness?

Not as far as I can tell. Instead they want more. They expect to be given a big shot of welfare somebody else's expense.

Then when they do meet this Wizard he turns out to be a phony. Somebody they let sucker them into working for a few bucks.

In the end, the story has a happy ending. Four mooches commit murder against some old hag.

Then they come back and get off without any prison time. After which they all get more handouts and according to the story, everyone lives happily ever after.

Course the old hag didn't quite do very well. But just like in real society, nobody cares about the old folks.

I bet the four criminals who didn't even have to stand trial ended up getting her social security too. They never mention that part do they? Hah, what a shock.

And we wonder why people would be so messed up today. How can they be expected to function when they end up with that kind of story for inspiration!

Well, you can think of it as a simple and charming, but me, I just get the shakes at how this whole tale has such terrible undercurrents of social unrest. And I hope the rest of you will give it some thought. Maybe later I'll get into the terrible implications of Frosty the Snowman too.


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