Saturday, September 01, 2007


Searching is easy to understand. You got to go and look for something. How tough is that to figure out?

Apparently very tough for some. Not sure why, but it is. All you have to do is LOOK! And naturally looking requires checking a wide variety of places.

Some might not care for that part. Because that means the highs as in the cool places that get you high and the low as in the places that really depress others.

You notice I didn't mention there being any lows in terms of me being depressed. Hope you got that.

For it wasn't an accident. Or perhaps I should say that for me it is more like accidentally on purpose.

Yeah, I mean this shouldn't surprising you would think. I've never in any way try to pretend that I am a lazy and selfish troll.

So the way I figure this, it is only a matter of being practical. Yeah, I think it is a good and fair approach.

I have no problem with the high and low part. You just have to focus on making sure you keep these things correctly understood.

Essentially, what can I say. For me the search is about making sure I find the things that are good.

You don't have to look for the crap. Heck, there are too many willing to show you were to find that.

What is hard to find is the good stuff. People do not like to share it. They find it for themselves and hold onto it.

And naturally you can be sure they won't share. No way. I know I wouldn't either. Yeah, I know it sucks, but what do you want me to say?

Should I pretend this is not the way it works? Come on, you know it is. So why not be truthful about it?

I just don't figure it does any good to tell others to be like me. Besides, if I got them to make sense of it all, they would then dare to do like me. And that will never do.

Yep, I so enjoy making others just groping for those dark spots and I'll make sure they enjoy them too.

Meanwhile, I'll be over getting high somewhere and smiling.


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