Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Now some people have this thing about just say no. It is a wonderful idea in theory. Not very realistic though.

Sort of like that deal about just do it. Another little pearl of wisdom that doesn't work in reality. Well not to me.

I guess the way I feel about it is that if saying it was enough then you wouldn't really have to say it would you? Then you would in reality, just do it.

However, we all human nature being such as it is, that never works out that way. Nope not even close.

Instead we just love to talk don't we? Now if you could change the world by using only your lips it would work big times.

Might get complicated though. Because after all what if one person's lips didn't say what another person's lips agree to say?

Then you would have all kinds of weird possible consequences. Which could be entertaining in a demented way, but not in terms of making things work right.

Fortunately there is the reality that life doesn't work that way. So even though waving a wand with our tongue would be wonderful, it just doesn't make a difference in terms of getting changes made.

I would like to consider making a different approach realistic on this. One where the person took time to be practical.

I want to see us engage in the art of something like say, New Year's maybe vows. Leave the door open so you don't have to feel embarrassed by the lack of will power.

See that is no big problem, just leaves us the option of saying, oh well and feeling good about it. Who can ask for more than that?

Admittedly, this is a bit of a challenge to adjust to. After all it doesn't drip with confidence.

It is more like let us march so-so. Hardly impressive. But that is okay. I'm happy with facing the reality.

Not that I have lots of people sharing that opinion. Only what can I say? This doesn't work for everyone else.

My reply is so what? Which really is the best part of this whole deal. You don't have to care if you admit you don't care.


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