Monday, September 10, 2007


Now this is not a thought that inspires happiness to me. Honestly, I wish I could say it did, but it doesn't.

For me the problem is related to the concept of how something that is beastly is not a good thing. Probably because it gets ugly from my point of view. And that is never a good thing.

Well at least that is how I view it. Animal logic is not one I associate with being reasonable or good. I suppose because to me it is symbolic of minds devoted to other than rational behavior.

Why do I need to belabor such facts? I guess because it matters in terms of how I have to cope with reality. And let me tell you, that is never easy with the people I work with.

In this I'm not speaking of my employees mind you. Nope. And I'm not speaking of the voters either. That would be too easy.

What I'm referring to is the people I have to deal with that feel they have a right to make demands upon my time. Which translates into businessmen mainly.

Not all of them you understand. Just a certain group. The ones who feel like they are the center of the world and just keep feeling the rest of us should appreciate their greatness.

There are too many of these types wherever you happen to go. Honestly, that is not the way it should be.

Okay when you got bucks it is a given that you have a right to act in a certain way. I understand that.

But does that mean you have the right to think the world belongs to you? These clowns do. And all the time too.

What do I do? I try to cope. And that means lying at times. Well most of the time you understand this problem.

But not in terms of expecting to stay that way. Instead you expect it to be a temporary condition.

At least I do. Kind of dumb huh? Yeah, I know it is not what I should think. People are to inclined to always stay the same.

That really doesn't keep the animals happy you understand. I wish it did. But they never will being herded where you want them to go.

My choice for a place for them is a slaughter house.


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