Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dreams and Reality

Oh yeah, this is a big deal. You got to be able to define what works and what does not work. Now without that little detail you can be like totally screwed.

Because you can't get from here to there. Well not in terms of reality. Maybe in your dreams, but never reality.

Only despite the fact that some know this it doesn't mean they believe it. They think you just like "feel" the way to get from one point to another. As if some miracle it going to make it happen without any effort. Stupid huh? Well people do it.

And I'm sorry to report I am guilty of doing it myself. Way too often. Which can really suck at times.

I don't know, you just get used to this stupidity of thinking can actually achieve some brilliant victory and never once plan a think. Dumb luck is not the most reliable source of success in the world.

Might be for some, but not for me. Which we should all understand, but many times we prefer to not accept it. It just is too much of a pain.

So instead it becomes so much more fun just to speculate and make it all sound realistic even if we don't have any kind of plan. We just are going to fly as they say, by the seat of our pants.

Which translates into not having a parachute. And you know flying without a parachute is not the smartest choice you can make.

Not that people are necessarily known for making smart choices. Well not always at least. There are too many occasions that stupid kind of goes with choice.

This is only made even worse by the people who decide to try and explain this whole thing. For you can be guaranteed that they will not be able to do so in a way that adds anything in a good way to the process.

It is another case of terminal stupidity. Only it is made worse by the fact that too much of the time is spent making sure you tell the whole world about it.

This is naturally the final added element of moron infection to make this whole deal utterly shameful. And I can tell you it doesn't make me thrilled.

All of which reduces down to the element of stupidity where life is not a source of pride. I just would prefer to avoid making this the primary thought of who to get through the day.

And all I have to do is try and convince others that stupid is not what stupid should be.


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