Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Okay, this is like, one of those little cute and fuzzy things. You know where you have some kitten or puppy you are suppose to get all sappy about.

That's all fine and good to feel that way I suppose. And it does have its place I imagine. Not with me you understand. Cute and fuzzy for me is sucker bait.

What do I mean by that? Simple, people use those little cuties to melt your brain so you will do whatever they want. It sucks from my view.

Only because they are about baby animals, you can't call it a con job. Nope, that would be regarded as tacky. And nobody wants that type of image, you can go for it.

My point to all of this is that it is an acceptable form of intimidation. Nobody can hold up some puppy and have you treat it like it was a gun.

Now in reality that is what it happens to be the case. Just that the gun barks or purrs and for bullets. And nobody ever complains they are feeling threatened in the process.

The same sort of goes for babies. They are treated as adorable. So what the heck that means you just got to feel a mushy when they hold up the baby.

Come on people wake up here. Adorable is not necessarily cool. It might be cuddly in its own demented way, but that is to be expected.

As for me, well I use these methods for my own purposes. You know to help cultivate some image of me being a great guy.

Adorable always goes with being a great person. Basically, only somebody who is loving and caring will love what is adorable.

Nobody talks about the times when some little fido pees on you and how that sucks. Or holding some baby just before he or she poops in his diapers. And you try smiling while getting a whiff of that!

Let me tell you those are not memories that excite me. I tolerate them because as a politician I have to.

In any case that just doesn't work for me privately. No dogs or cats in my house that I have to deal with.

We have them, but I never go near them unless it is during a photo opp. As for babies, well I am grateful my kids are older.

I suffered during the diaper phase. Wish I could have avoided it, but kid just don't seem to be able to learn not to poop.


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