Wednesday, September 05, 2007


This is one thing I have to admit that I could live without. I mean the reality is that fun is not supposed to be painful. Not if you are doing it right.

Which is not so often what happens as far as I can tell. Well that is where I live. See the big problem is that dull is in. Meaning it is popular.

Maybe popular is a bit too much. I would say it is more that dull is expected. As if being dull is a good thing in terms of citizenship.

I don't regard it that way, but bland sure is the order of the day on so many occasions. And that is not a fun thing to me.

Complicating it is the times when well, people seem to really thrive on coming up with new ways to be boring. Only they call it fun.

Which is not what I will ever call it. That is made worse you understand by the fact that I have to end up attending all this crap.

See, when they get involved with this they decide to make this a public event. Like it is never enough for one person to do it. All have to.

And that means I get stuck lying a lot. Oh yeah, that is my only survival. I have to take time to be sure I don't miss out on all their ideas of fun.

I didn't say I wanted it that way. Just it is all I get to accept. And you can bet they do not in any way want to bother with my idea of fun.

Okay, I will confess that you can't afford to have the ordinary public accept my idea of fun. Well not if I want to get reelected.

So I have to keep that form of fun for private moments. And let me tell you, there is one thing I do not want to do it is to give up my fun times.

Plus the more time I end up spending with these events the more time I end up needing my version of fun. And sometimes I just have to really work at it to squeeze in enough time.

Mainly because somebody is going to make sure that they take as much of my time as possible being stuck in this stupid idea of fun. As if my being there is going to improve anything.

It only bogs me down and that never helps. Which is okay. I just survive as best I can with such fun dreams about entering the fun zone.

That's a place I can talk about.


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