Monday, September 03, 2007


A big problem at times. Those moments when you know you have to contend with stupid people who are extra stupid.

I'm not talking about the ones that make you go huh? I'm speaking of the type that make you scratch you head and wonder if that person ever had any brains. Oh yeah that kind of stupid.

It is not a wonderful event to deal with that type of moron. They can be so stupid they don't even know they are stupid.

What is amazing is how such people honestly often think they are geniuses. Oh yeah they are complete experts on everything. And even if they are totally wrong the will never admit it.

Now it is one thing to have pride. It is good to belief in one's ability. But that is not the same as sitting and thinking you are incapable of making mistakes.

Like God is your twin and you are blessing the world by showing up when the mood strikes. Yeah that really works for me.

Actually, part of the problem is that there are so many different types of smarts. You can have a whole string of academic degrees that say you are brilliant, but don't have a clue in terms of practical wisdom.

And if they don't bother to take their brain and sift it through reality you can have a really big problem. Which is that they will not listen to reason.

Yep, that is so much fun to work with. I just love it. Not seriously though. I really hate in fact.

But that won't change anytime soon. We can count on that. Which really works in my favor.

For the more geniuses I can meet like that the more suckers I can count on dealing with. Yep, those are the con man's blue plate specials. At least for me.

Maybe not for everyone else, but it does give me a nice snack at times. And the joy is knowing how they end up paying for it.

Only with their pride they will never admit it. They will just keep acting like they are boss and smart.

Meanwhile, I'll be depositing their contribution in the bank. And if I'm really lucky I get to head off to their house afterwards and celebrate with the wife. Yeah, that is another brain dead area of joy at times.


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