Friday, July 27, 2007


Oh yeah this is so much fun. Doing some things once is always a good choice, but when you have to do them again it can really be a pain.

And if the next event is tied in some way to the first event that you don't want to remember on man is that the pits. Like it wasn't bad enough you had to mess with it the first time. Now you get to do it again. This is not a time for a happy dance.

It can be a great time for complaining though. Oh yeah, if the first even pissed you off the next one will be bound to make you even more so.

What makes it worse is not being able to do anything about it either. Which can really upset you if you were so pissed after the first event that you definitely vowed it will never happen again.

Then it does happen again and you have to deal with all those pain in the gut moments you hate the most. But that is okay because you know that this time will be different.

That is because you are going to sit down and take care of it for sure. No more guess work, no more promises or plots. Just a plain willingness of resolve to make sure the world is perfect again.

It sounds good at least. Wish it really worked that way though. Only it never does. Nope, regardless of how hard I try this is more a fun statement than reality.

And even if I know it that doesn't in any way make me the least bit inclined to actually think in those ways. Nope being logical is not the option I prefer in such situations.

Oh it would be wonderful if that was the option, but it isn't. This is more a case of well, not allow the situation to get to me too much.

There are always ways for this to work. I prefer the method that is time honored. It is one that relates to things such a denial.

Which is so thrilling when you allow yourself to be creative about it. Not just spending time lying, but so much more.

You need to resort to various forms of assistance that will really give you some much needed relief from any possible guilt. That is a very important thing to avoid when you can.

Drinking never hurts. And I have tested that method on many occasions with very much success. Ah it will always warm the heart when it works.

Alas I can't always recommend it to others. However, if you do happen to want to split a six pack, I'm there for you.


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