Sunday, July 29, 2007


Well what can I say? Fun is fun and if you do it right, I mean really right, you know to where you cross over that invisible line between legal and seeing life between bars. Oh yeah that line.

But you know to often we cross over that line and then have to lie about trespassing. Otherwise we would end up having to admit all the fun the other side offered. And that would be shameful.

After all, we aren't suppose to have fun doing stuff that isn't legal. It just isn't right. Nope how can we honestly be expected to savor such things as the letter of the law if we keep erasing it?

Now come on folks, be honest, would you really be thrilled if suddenly they said, okay, screw the rules. Just do what you feel.

It might be the way we feel, but are we going to admit it? I don't mind doing it myself. But then not publicly you understand.

However, I do feel I have a good excuse. Okay, maybe not in the minds of others, but in my mind I do.

Being a politician I do have to abide by the standards of society. Some might say that was an unfair excuse.

Hey, I don't make the rules you understand. Okay, I guess I do help to make the rules. Still, I am only one person.

Which means, I can avoid admitting blame for all the laws. I do influence them, but heck why should I take the fall for the nature of how the system works.

At least it all sounds good. And a lot less prone to anything shameful than if I had to admit that I loved the shameful part.

Ah that is the joy of the system. It does enable me the joy of hiding behind the law. I might have to wear a mask when I cross over, but what the heck.

While I would love to contemplate this reality more the truth is I have to finish this posting. I have some pressing engagements.

Actually, the engagement isn't pressing, not at first. But if all goes well it will be. Just depends on how much booze I can afford before she agrees to cross the line.

Ah, travel is such fun. And that is the one thing I do enjoy at times. We just have to agree to no pictures.

Lies help too.


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