Friday, July 27, 2007


What is better than cloning a winner? Come on if you are into success, you got to admit this works. Hey, just ask the folks in Hollywood. They are experts and this kind of thing.

Well, at least I give them credit for being experts. I didn't say it always works, just they have had all kinds of practice.

And when you think about it, why not? I mean if you got a movie that was a winner, why not massage it a bit and make it again?

Which seems to be the thinking in those circles. Otherwise I don't imagine they would dare to inflict such options on us.

But the important thing is whether any of us thinks it is a good idea and no matter how many times it sucks, they still are going to do it again and again. Why? Because we keep paying for it.

No there are all kinds of parts of society and life that seem to lend themselves to remarks. Even people.

You can take, for example, celebrities. Now they can do something totally disgusting and thanks to the miracles of good publicity they get to try it again.

We just seem t love the idea of recycle things. Giving them life a second time. And if by chance they don't work well, shoot we can do it again just the same.

That might perhaps in part account for why we have such a cavalier attitude about discards. Just if something is broke, we toss it away.

Till we get in the mood to feel more human and caring. Then we will resurrect it for the heck of it.

And we will remake it according to our fantasies. It might not actually work. It might be a disaster, but you can count on the fact that will we make it seem like a good thing.

Of course this is all based upon mood you understand. Nothing concrete or written with a logical approach. That would never do!

It is much more fun to make this sound preplanned by not making it look like it was accidentally or the whim of words for a moment. That you can count on.

In the end we all savor the joy. Well providing the remake doesn't smell too bad and you can never be sure on that part.

We all got to savor that reality, even if we pretend it doesn't exists.


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