Thursday, July 26, 2007

Just stop it

Simple enough advice isn't it? Nobody ever takes it though. That you can depend upon. In fact most of the time people normally don't look upon advice as a good thing. We might listen, but we won't apply the advice.

Mainly I guess that is because we prefer to screw up for ourselves without help. Not that we enjoy being wrong. That part we definitely are not excited about unless we decide to lie about it.

But regardless of that fact, we definitely have those moments that do leave us other than happy with our own choices in life. I hate to admit that, still it is true.

Perhaps if we had a way to always blame somebody else it would be different, but normally it isn't. We just savor the moment as best we can and hope nobody yells out, that was sure stupid as a choice.

Yeah, I worry about those moments. Maybe you never do. However, I have enough forehead slapping moments I don't feel I have a choice.

Just have to do my part to avoid admitting them. Which can be extra tough when there are those sitting around with reasons to make you feel like an idiot.

Ah, those are great to avoid. Really a wonderful time to just sit back and be grateful when you escape such disappointments.

It can be tough, that is for sure. A real challenge to the mind at times. You just have to let it not get to you in terms of morale.

What a pity we can't just manage some way of escaping this insanity. Really, wouldn't it be great to avoid the times when somebody has to remind you that you have those moron moments?

Well, it is fun to be able to dream. I love dreaming. Just too bad they aren't reality Now that would truly give us a reason to smile.

But with my luck what would happen is that the dreams would be the first thing to end up being stopped. Yep, I can see how that would suck big time.

Fortunately, I'm grateful I do luck out at times and get the best of both worlds. I'm able to get my dream and tell somebody to just stop it.

Those are the precious moments in my thoughts. What can I say? We don't always get what we want.

Hopefully we at least get some of the things we dream and never the things we deserve. Well at least for me that is true.


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