Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Some times life seems to get stuck in neutral. And we can feel it in our thinking. Just leaves us in limbo. Which is not necessarily a place we love to be.

Oh I think goofing off is a great thing. Heck, I would make it a law that you get a certain amount of such time every day, if not every hour.

Alas, no matter the prevailing wisdom of such rare opportunities we do not have the freedom to make that our life. More is the pity to be sure.

Despite that fact having the mind in neutral doesn't end up always being a joy. Especially when we need it to be otherwise.

Those are the most aggravating times for me. I'm in the middle of some planning of something critical and my mind decides to take a vacation in la-la land.

I love taking vacations, but not when I'm in the middle of some major crisis. That just doesn't cut it for me.

However, one doesn't always get a chance to think otherwise. We just don't have the capacity to rise above such neutral brain moments.

So the only choice is to fake it. Which is the power of double talk. Oh my how it can cover the most sluggish of moments.

Providing you are good at it. Now as for me that is a normal situation. Passing out baloney is something I don't have to even think about.

I just have to be sure I do it in a way that the other person doesn't know is baloney. That is the hard part.

I have to be absolutely skillful in conveying my act so it looks sincere. You can pass off most lies if they are believable.

And making them sound believable is the challenge I have dealt with very often in my situation as a Mayor. So I have had lots of practice.

Not enough to be overconfident though. Just enough to know when I have to summon enough grease for my stuck mental gears to get through a given situation.

That isn't always easy, but I do manage. So far at least. There is always tomorrow though. A time when I try to prepare for by the simple need for insanity.

Well, that is the way I like to think of it. Hopefully, it works for me. But then when you make up the truth as you go, most things work for me. Ah the joy of not following the rule book.


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