Wednesday, July 25, 2007


A wonderful sentiment when it is accomplished. Which is never when we want it. More like it happens only when somebody decides they want quiet. Not when anyone else thinks it is a good idea.

As for me, well I think this is best when I achieve this in terms of not dealing with employees. Now that is really fun.

It is so thrilling to be able to find the right times to be sure my employees are forced to keep quiet. Providing I am able to do it on my terms. Which is so satisfying.

The big trick is to be sure the employee doesn't know your real motivation. You have to make it sound like you have no choice.

Then they sort of get comfortable with the idea. Just aren't that thrilled about having to shut up when they don't want to. So they get grumpy if you don't handle it right.

Which naturally is the one thing you definitely try to avoid if you want to stay sane. And not risk having somebody go crazy on you. That is something to avoid.

And you can be assured I work very hard at that part. My favorite way to accomplish this naturally is with the use of committees.

This is the most perfect option you understand. Because nobody can complain when you are busy. You have all these wonderful witnesses.

So if you have to sacrifice your time in order to get something done it is a good thing. Naturally, that excuse does actually get some slack in terms of those want part of my time.

But you have to make it believable though. You can just claim you have to have a committee meeting.

Now the hard part is when you really don't have any meetings scheduled. Then you have to fake it.

Only you can't let the person know you are faking it. That definitely doesn't work. Nope, I tried that and you will get caught.

What I do is create enough bogus committees so they appear to be real. As Mayor I do have that right.

And it truly does satisfy when I can keep the pretense working. It can be tough admittedly.

But we do what we can to make it all work.


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