Sunday, July 15, 2007


There are some things in which this is so important. You just never know when the ticks of a clock will be a thing that spells fortune or doom.

It would be fun to maybe just throw the clock away, but that never seems to work very well. Wish it were that easy.

However, because it doesn't we are forced to make allowances. Which for me translates into doing what I can to waste other people's time.

I'm sure you've heard of labor saving devices. Well for me that includes people. Providing I can get their cooperation on pissing away their time.

That is often not as much of a problem as you might thing. It is really amazing how with the right type of lie you can get people to do so many things for you.

But that is the joy of my office. As a Mayor if I pay attention to somebody who is normally ignored, oh man you can pretty much make them do anything.

Which always makes my life so much more blessed. It just feels so good to be free from stressing out over time.

The main thing for me that causes stress is the little crap. You know those chores where you have to do something totally dull and time consuming that amounts to a yawn.

Those are the ones I love to avoid as much as possible. And the fun part is making them sound like they are the most important duty in the world.

That can be a challenge with things like car washes and picking up dry cleaning. You generally have to spice them up a bit.

Paranoia is a great way to do that. Just a hint that something terrible lurks as a threat if you don't complete some chore.

Ah, how that will appeal to some. You just give the appropriate hint and they will do anything to get a shot at the chore.

Just is so fun to make a person thing some absurd. I tell you there is no way I would be able to have expected anyone to have believed that there was a risk of soap shark at the car wash.

Still admiring my luck on that one. But it isn't every day that you get the joy of having God bless you with the gift of a complete moron.

That kind of blessing just doesn't happen enough for my tastes. But when it does, I almost feel like praying. I said almost.


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