Thursday, July 05, 2007


We love rules don't we? I do. As long as they are my rules. And if not, I love when I can break them.

Being a politician I do get more opportunity to make rules than some. Not as much as I would like, but enough to let me savor the times I do manage to reap some happiness in the process.

I don't know I have tried to imagine life without rules. But so far I just can't find a way to get by without them.

That is probably because there are too many people who can't be trusted to do what is expected without a risk of punishment. Yep, that really is the only that rules have as benefit.

There is no other way from my view to truly express there value. Most of us don't really need some one to tell us what we already know.

At least I think most people appreciate how certain things are naturally wrong. So we hardly require somebody to give us those details.

However, knowing what is right and actually doing it are not the same. That much we all understand.

So thus we need the rules. Just to tell us if we screw up what will happen. Therefore threats always make the difference.

Which I think is the prime basis for our society. It is a general acknowledgement that none can be trusted. Not a single person at all.

So we do compromise to a degree. We manage to function with an awareness that there is a certain trade off required in life and society.

On the one hand we have to have the rules. In order to keep people in line. But then we allow for a certain flexibility so that a little rule breaking is acceptable.

Oh we never actually say it that way. No, no, no, no. We would never do that. Such options would ruin the illusion.

Instead we just continue to make it sound like the rules count. Which is the only way we can actually manage to regard it.

Meanwhile, we all have the fun of pretending the rules count. Sometimes it even works great for having parties.

Of course the best one are political. Since those are all about fantasy to start with.


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