Tuesday, July 10, 2007


A wonderful philosophy if you ask my opinion. When you can't find what you need you make it.

Okay I can imagine there are a few who would take exception with that concept. But honestly, my view is there is never a situation where creativity isn't a good option.

Now maybe you can say make like a human being. Okay I know one can reproduce, but that isn't what I'm talking about.

I'm speaking of making something work that doesn't work now. Which might sound vague, but it isn't.

See the problem is to me that we often just look at something that doesn't work and give up. We don't allow our minds to fully explore our options.

Can we find a substitute that works just as well? You know a means to complete our desires without the same option.

Okay that might seem like a lame version of making something, but I bet you will find a lot of people who never explore it. More than you think.

As for me, well if I want something and a given option doesn't work I will make one that does. Yes I will.

Just at times you have to get very creative on the subject. You know not limit yourself in your thinking to things that will not let you realize your dream.

As for me I like to do a lot of possibility thinking in that regard. Honestly, I want to capture the moment big time in some way.

That means looking at times at what poor sucker I can dump on as a possibility to make my wish come true. Now you would really find that a great of making something work.

It is called taking from the poor, who would be poor anyway and giving to me, who should in my view have it anyway. So why not just accept that reality?

I do, which is why I make IT happen all the time for me. What can I say, if it doesn't work, steal it.

Oh come on now, let's be far about this. All I'm doing is redistributing the wealth a little. Taking from those who would squander it anyway and putting it to better use.

I suppose I should find a better way of saying thank you. I just have been so busy you understand. A person really does have to spend so much time on occasions doing the right thing in this regard. Well right for me I guess.


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