Friday, July 06, 2007

So blue

You got to feel sorry when somebody is down and out. Just on the verge of feeling totally crushed and unable to function in anyway.

My sympathy of course depends on if they person is truly suffering. My definition of truly suffering is when you end up being the victim of circumstances you didn't deserve.

Like being in an accident. I can have a degree of appreciation for you struggling with that being a sad turn of events.

Not problem for me in such situations. I 'll cough up some dough to help out. Course I'm not too fond of hospitals so I might not visit. Could send you a singing telegram. Only hate to do that. Last time I accidentally sent a strip-o-gram to a guy recovering from a heart operation. Wasn't very pretty, but at least he did have a smile on his face before the coroner arrived.

You got to make allowances for these little mistakes though. I did try to be thoughtful and send flowers to the funeral. Next time I'll be sure I don't order them from a place that has a nearsighted florist. He did apologize for accidentally managed to mix poison ivy into the bouquet. But those things do happen.

Well those are the times you do feel rather sad. Such things do make one less than inspired to keep trying though.

However, I have found it useful to keep trying. That is what really is important in my book. Which is why I do try to always be sure I sort out those who screw up to cause their misery from those who simply did it to themselves.

I mean it isn't like sympathy is free you know. It can get rather expensive at times. When you think about the cost of cards alone that can be a nice small tidy cost for something decent. At least a couple of bucks.

That's a lot of cost when you do it too often. Just really isn't worthwhile. And especially if you end finding out afterwards that some clown did something stupid.

Just takes all the inspiration out of it for me. Not to mention takes money away from really important issues.

But then I realize that there are times when you don't have any choice but to be a ray of sunshine to someone in a storm. So I accept that part of my life.

It can be so tough being so thoughtful and compassionate at times. Really can be a drain on my time and resources.

Just a weakness on my part I guess. It can be really tough to be so easily swayed by the needs of others. I am grateful for when the occasion does come to comfort a widow too. Those are the moments I truly cherish the most.


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