Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Yep, let's face it, there are times when there is no way to do something. I'm sorry for all those pie in the sky romantic types that believe in the tooth fairy or fairy god mother or whatever else, but it is reality.

Which is for me a basic reality that you have to be sure you accept such realities. After all some people expect the impossible.

Now by the very word you are talking about something, which isn't going to happen. So why in the world would a person think it could happen?

I wish I could answer that logically. But you can forget logic with such situations. I do at least.

The main reason is because people who talk about being logical really aren't. They can act like they are, but the truth is their idea of logic is often rationalized emotionalism.

Yep, that is a fact from what I have seen. Just a whole lot of people who under duress of a given problem think their panic should make sense.

Course it does providing you don't actually think about it. That can be the main problem. You might see the stupidity in what they believe, but getting them to see it can be tough.

If they do happen to be capable of honestly seeing the insanity of their view, then it is fine. If they can't then it can be a major headache.

Which sadly does merit being discussed. Because there are too many of such people in the world. And that makes it suck for the rest of us.

Unfortunately if such people only kept their dementia to themselves that would help, but they never do. They have to spread it around.

And trust me the one thing I hate is having to mess with them. But you have no choice. They won't go and hide in some closet and live their fantasylands without involving others.

Instead they end up deciding to pass on their Oz insanity to you. So go ahead and sing some where over the rainbow till you feel like you want to pass out.

Just don't bug me with it! That is not a good thing. At least not to me. All I want is for you to take your daydreaming butt somewhere that you and all your imaginary friends and go play elsewhere.

That is what works best for me. As for you, well if that is your joy, I wish you well. In the sense you well better do it where I won't be a well you piss in with that stuff. Enough said? I hope so.


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