Friday, July 20, 2007


Oh man this is so easy to say. Not as easy to do. For the record, handling things doesn't happen if you don't actually handle IT!

That to me is the first and foremost rule of this issue. Don't take time to tell me you've handled it if you haven't actually touched it! Please, don't drive a stake through my heart with that one.

Which naturally always happens no matter how many times I point that out? Why, well besides the fact that the person is a moron, there is the sad fact people assume you are also an idiot.

Is there an upside to any of this? Yes, it is when something actually gets done. That is the part that truly is a plus.

I'm not talking either about talking about doing as part of the doing. Sorry, that doesn't count to me.

I know, I'm silly about such things. But I do not like standing before the press full of confidence that my admiration had it finest moment and then find out it was crap.

That definitely doesn't get myself in a mood for celebrating. It might work for some, but not for me.

Nope, I expect people with hands and arms to not tell me that they have handled something when it they didn't do a darn thing. And that is not the joy I love to claim in life.

In any event the real complication with all of this comes from the times when you have no choice, but to take somebody's word for something. Man does that suck!

I just have those occasions when I don't have the time or inclination to go and ask to see proof when somebody has handled things. Just can get too complicated.

However, I do try keep tract of the times when somebody really does have a good batting average on this. There are some you just learn to trust. They will really hit a home run every time.

There are others naturally, you can trust no matter what happens. Heck you'll be lucky if they even show up at the ball park.

The big pain is when you got a rookie. They haven't even gotten to the plate yet. So you have no idea how they will do till the try.

I only hope they do it without decided at the last moment to head to the showers early. Normally they do not bother to tell you either.


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