Thursday, July 19, 2007


Oh yeah, I love to be the leader. That is in leading myself. Not others so much. Actually I should say, leaders others is great when they truly follow.

Too many suck at the following part. Which makes leading them the pits. And for me if I have to lead by having a bunch of stupid stumble bumps tagging along who are brain dead, forget it.

You can call that being picky if you want, but not to me. I call it being realistic. A very appropriate place to be if you ask me.

Course nobody is asking me, which is the main problem. I mean where did this idea come from that being in charge meant you had to listen too? I never voted for that.

I know, because I keep very detailed records on such things in my private files I don't show the government where I faithful account for each bribe received. So you can bet if I had been paid off to vote for something I would remember. So there!

Meanwhile, I still struggling with this whole idea of being forced to tolerate questions from those I have to tell what to do. Just shut up and stop bugging me. Jeez, this is annoying.

Okay, I don't want to hear any more griping about being forced to do crap. Come on if you are destined to be a troll, then cope.

See the problem is we have too many people who think they are going to someday be kings. Now maybe a few wil.

But in reality, most will stay trolls. Even a few who were suits and drive luxury cars. Just is hard at times to get some people to embrace that reality.

Life might be easier all around if they did. We would have so many fewer problems. After all, to me a troll is somebody who truly has to be a servant to somebody else.

Which is pretty much everyone when you think about it. Just some aren't willing to accept that fact.

I consider that to be a problem we need to work on. Which is why I only want to cope with this whole deal in a way that truly helps.

I do this by the means of simply making sure each person gets the kind of experience with trollism they deserve. It is a hard job at times to embrace, but I do my best.

Now it is time for me to go. I have a few trolls to be sure get what they deserve. And that is a job somebody has to do. So I accept that mantle even though I know it doesn't always get me popular. Just the joy of teaching.


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