Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Now this can be the most wonderful feeling in the world at times. You just can feel so great when some things aren't around to give you grief.

It is almost as exciting as feeling you went to heaven, only it never lasts forever. Wish it did. And maybe in part that is what makes heaven, heaven. You get to miss out on all the crappy people that piss you off. They are just gone.

I don't think that means they went to the other place, just aren't around you. And that for me would help to make it heaven that's for darn sure.

Well, that is nice when thinking of people naturally, but doesn't necessarily apply to some other things. Like when cars break down or some other thing you have to depend on acts up.

The one thing you want the most is to get rid of that problem. You want it gone, period. And it doesn't matter how you just want to not think about it ever again.

I only wish it were that easy. In order to achieve this lofty goal at times you have to depend unfortunately on people. Yeah, that is the biggest problem.

And the best thing you can do in that case is be sure you find some person you won't have to deal with again. That is the biggest key.

Because the problem is that too often you end up with some viper that will figure some way to make you addicted to their services. They will want you to sign up for all kinds of deals.

Which only makes for more headaches. So then you have to figure a way to get them off your back too.

That means no agreeing to any long term service contracts, no being added to a mail list or agreeing to any thing else. I don't care how much the guy smiles and pretends you are his best friend.

Rest assured that despite the smile and all the other ways he wants to make you believe he is your friend. He won't be. He'll figure some way to suck you dry.

So part of gone is avoiding that insanity. Which can be difficult if you are trying to make a gone from the problem too.

My advice is that one be sure to ask the simple question in that regard. Can one survive without this smiling clown?

If you can say yes, then drive on and find somebody else who hopefully understand gone too.


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